SAVANAH HERNANDEZ: Teenage killers of retired police chief laugh and taunt family in courtroom after livestreaming victim's death

The two teens who are currently on trial for live-streaming the murder of retired police chief, Andreas Probst, could be seen laughing and taunting the family of the victim.

Jesus Ayala, 17, and Jzamir Keys, 16, appeared in a Las Vegas courtroom on Tuesday were seen smiling and laughing at the widow and daughter of Probst as they left the room. Taylor Probst, daughter of the victim, shared, “They were trying to mad-dog us and intimidate us.”

Further video shows the teens covering their faces while they converse, laugh, and flip off the family, local news reports. 

After live-streaming the video in which they purposefully targeted and ran over Probst with their vehicle, ultimately killing him, the teens are facing several charges, including “murder with a deadly weapon, battery, and attempted murder,” according to Chief Deputy District Attorney Michael Watson.

The driver, 17-year-old Ayala, can be seen in the video recklessly driving his 2016 Hyundai Elantra while 16-year-old, Keys, filmed the video. Someone in the background can be heard saying “Hit his a**” before Ayala intentionally aimed for and hit Probst as he rode his bike on the side of the road. The impact of the vehicle sent Probst flying over the car.

The teens have also been accused of hitting another 72-year-old biker that morning, but luckily that man survived. 

In recently released police body camera footage, obtained shortly after Ayala’s arrest, he can be heard stating that he’s “not scared” of his potential conviction for Probst’s death. “You think this juvenile sh*t going to do something? I’ll be out in like 30 days, watch,” he can be heard saying to his arresting officer. 

The two teens are set to be tried as adults in September 2024. Many concerned observers of the case have pointed to the lack of remorse or care both teens have exhibited in regard to their crimes.

“It’s just a game to them, they don’t care if anyone else lives or dies,” Taylor Probst shared, “that can just be shown through their actions.”

Taylor and Crystal Probst, the daughter and widow of the victim, have shared that they will continue to appear at the court to “put a face” to the teen’s heinous crime.

This piece first appeared at TPUSA.

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