ANTHONY WATSON: Why victimhood mentality is harmful

The subliminal messages targeting black Americans today are derived from the manipulative tactics described by William Lynch in the 1700s, who used “fear, distrust, and envy,” to maintain an oppressed mentality.

Black Americans today are told, sometimes directly, but primarily indirectly, that they are incapable of pulling themselves up, “by the bootstraps” so to speak, and creating a fulfilling life for themselves. They are told that the reason they won’t succeed is because of systemic racism and oppression — the cards are already stacked against them. This is why initiatives like affirmative action are deemed necessary by many on the left. It’s the incorrect and insulting assumption that the system is so rigged that black Americans can’t succeed on merit alone.


Rather than using their influential platforms to encourage others, black Americans who are wealthy and successful, oftentimes repeat the same narrative: the “system” is working against black individuals.

A recent example is singer Jill Scott, who is a widely successful artist and has gained millions from her work. Despite her success, in the country that afforded her the opportunity to fulfill her passions and talents, she used the stage to disparage America, and claim that this country still disfavors black citizens.

Scott revised the American national anthem at Essencefest, a music festival celebrating African American artists. Rather than singing about the triumphant beauty of the red, white, and blue banner, Scott chose to highlight all of the perceived “injustices” in America today.


“Oh say can you see by the blood in the streets / That this place doesn’t smile on you colored child / Whose blood built this land with sweat and their hands / But we’ll die in this place and your memory erased / Oh say, does this truth hold any weight / This is not the land of the free, but the home of the slaves!”

Jill Scott — OutKick

Similarly, singer Lizzo has said that pop music “has a racist origin,” and that “black people are tired.” She also stated that “there is racism running through [America’s] veins.” Lizzo has received countless awards and accolades for her music and progressive activism and is worth around $40 million. That has not stopped the pop singer from raving about the horrors of being a black individual in modern America.

Black Americans are told by liberal media that they’re a victim of oppression, hate, systemic racism, and violence, rather than being told that they have equal rights under the law, and the ability to create a fulfilling life for themselves in America.

“As much as I hated the injustices perpetrated against blacks in America, I couldn’t bring myself to hate my own country, then or later.”

-Clarence Thomas

If successful black Americans, influencers, athletes, and musicians would quit peddling this regretful narrative that holds people back from achieving their goals, we might finally see racial disparities reduced and tensions eased in the U.S.

The views stated in this article reflect the opinion of the author and do not necessarily represent the views or beliefs of Turning Point USA.

Turning Point USA’s BLEXIT (“black-exit”) initiative was established to empower all by abolishing the victimhood mentality that holds many back from pursuing freedom and obtaining the American Dream. To learn more, or to get involved visit

This piece first appeared at TPUSA.

Image: Title: victimhood mentality