ROGER STONE: How Donald Trump and Kanye West Could Win the White House in 2024

On a recent Infowars appearance with Alex Jones, I made the case for Kanye West running alongside President Donald Trump in 2024.

I truly believe, as I did with Trump as far back as the 80s, when I first approached the then-business tycoon about running for President, that the worst thing a candidate can be in politics is boring.

Say anything you want about Trump, but he is unpredictable, provocative, and never boring. The fact that he is unprogrammed, unmanaged, unhandled, and at the same authentic and genuine, goes to the heart of his appeal.

Despite the mainstream media, political elites, and Hollywood working overtime against him, Trump was able to easily crush a field of well-polished career politicians with war-chests totaling in the hundreds of millions.

That is because he was unorthodox to voters, and once he caught their attention, he promoted a platform they agreed with in terms they could understand.

West, like Trump, is direct, interesting, and wholly unconventional, and is clearly touching on issue positions that many millions of Americans agree with.

Let me pose this question to you: Do you believe that the average voter would prefer somebody like West, or Kamala Harris?
I think the answer is obvious.

This is how I believe West could impact the race for the White House in 2024:

First, I believe his best chance is running as Vice President on a Trump / West ticket.

But before he can do that, the superstar rapper needs to demonstrate his political prowess.

Unfortunately, his late-breaking independent candidacy in 2020, came too late for him to get on the ballot in most states. Nonetheless, his political candidacy generated buzz and public interest.

He can demonstrate his appeal by first running for president himself, in a campaign where he is not critical of Donald Trump. West could be most effective in identifying and demolishing the RINOs who would usurp Trump.

A Vice Presidential pick’s first, and really only qualification, is being somebody who can bring in a new base of support for a candidate.

Mike Pence was brought on to appeal to evangelicals, Kamala Harris to appeal to women and progressives (which, considering her record as prosecutor, locking up non-violent drug offenders, was probably misguided).

West can prove to bring in a new base of support for Trump as Vice President, primarily among African Americans and millennials, which would make him a strong contender for the position.

West’s strong faith and unashamed pro-life stances would also energize the Christian base behind a Trump / West ticket.

So yes, I stand by my position.

Trump / Yeezy 2024! 

Image: Title: ROGER STONE: How Donald Trump and Kanye West Could Win the White House in 2024