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  • 03/02/2023

This week’s guest on Pop Culture Warriors with Lisa De Pasquale: Dean Cain

When Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman debuted in 1993, everyone and everyone’s mom had a crush on Dean Cain. One “VH1’s 40 Hottest Hotties of ‘90s” down for Pop Culture Warriors, 39 to go.

Lois & Clark revived the Man of Steel for a new generation. In his own way he was following in the steps of his father, Christopher Cain, who revived the western for a new generation when he wrote, produced, and directed Young Guns in 1988.

Like many actors, Dean voted for Democrats. Fortunately, converts have always been our strongest leaders. Think of those like Andrew Breitbart, David Horowitz, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan and, perhaps, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. Dean went all in on the pop culture war when he starred in the feature film Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, which showed the trial of Kermit Gosnell. With many other upcoming projects, he’s no doubt the superhero freedom lovers need on their side.

Pop Culture Warriors with Lisa De Pasquale is an interview column dedicated to the significant work of freedom lovers who chose the path of more resistance. Not only are these pop culture warriors fighting the predominant groupthink in entertainment, but also the predominant groupthink on the right side of politics that entertainment doesn’t matter or that the pop culture war is lost. The purpose of this column is to highlight their projects and contributions to expand freedom in new, exciting, and counterculture ways.  


What inspires you?

I’m inspired by all sorts of different people each and every day. The pilot flying my airplane as I write these words, the ground worker directing the plane, the flight attendants diligently doing their jobs, the parents guiding their kids into their seats. When I’m at my local grocery store, I’m inspired by the butcher, the man in the produce department, the military vet who stocks the refrigerated section. I guess I’m just inspired by those who work hard and serve others. I’m especially inspired by our military and first responders. These men and women in uniform are true superheroes. I have often said, real heroes don’t wear capes, they wear badges and stethoscopes and uniforms. That’s why 6 years ago I became a sworn Deputy Sheriff and reserve police officer.  If I had to pick an individual, I certainly draw inspiration from Steve Gleason, a former professional football player for the New Orleans Saints, Steve has suffered from ALS since at least 2011. ALS is a debilitating disease that robs one of their physical abilities, while keeping the mind unaffected.  It’s like becoming a prisoner trapped in your own body. Despite the brutal nature of the disease, Steve somehow keeps soldiering forward, maintaining a positive, constructive outlook, and trying to help other people. I could only hope to have such strength.

What is your Kryptonite?

Women. My father told me when I was a young man — “your Kryptonite is women.” Still true.

What was your childhood pop culture obsession? 

I was a huge fan of The Brady Bunch, classic Looney Tunes cartoons, Happy Days, and Farrah Fawcett.

What was your first concert and how did you get there?

My first concert was KISS in 1977.  My brother and I went with our Uncle Mark, and it was AWESOME!!

Tell us about the last movie, TV show, and book you consumed for entertainment.

The last movie I saw was my directorial debut, LITTLE ANGELS. I just completed this fun and inspiring family film and am currently shopping to distributors. The last TV show I watched was The First 48, because I’m fascinated with true crime. The last book I read was Three Daughters of Eve, because my son was reading it for one of his college classes.

What would you say to readers who say they’ve opted out of the pop culture war?

They say politics are downstream from culture, so that may not be wise. I refuse to go along to get along. I believe in the 1st Amendment, and protecting free speech, even if that speech is unpopular or expresses a viewpoint with which I disagree.

What can readers do to support you and your projects?

Readers can support my projects by watching them! And they can scream at all the film studios to hire me more often!  They can follow me on Twitter @RealDeanCain and Instagram @Deuces1966

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