Climate Alarmists Pushing Anti-Agriculture Policies May Soon Cost Americans Their Food Supply

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  • 03/02/2023

This article was originally published at The Post Millennial, a part of the Human Events Media Group.


Stephanie Nash, a fourth-generation independent American dairy farmer, said newly proposed Biden administration climate initiatives foster anti-farmer sentiment and will put America's food supply at risk.

"Americans are feeding into this lie that climate change is because of agriculture and climate change is not going to get better until farmers and ranchers do better. Well, if you continue to kill off our food supply and our American farmers, yeah, we're not going to have enough food," she told Fox News.

Last week the Biden administration introduced the "Inflation Reduction Act," a bill that the White House eventually admitted will do little to reduce inflation. The act would spend $369 billion on climate change goals, aiming to reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2030.

Nash fears this legislation will mirror initiatives that have been passed in Europe and under consideration in Canada, especially if legislated restrictions are placed on nitrogen emissions.

Starting in late June, farmers gathered across the Netherlands in the tens of thousands to protest their country's new environmental proposals. The ruling coalition of the Netherlands voted in favor of a proposal that would cut down on pollution emissions, primarily nitrogen oxide and ammonia, by 50 percent across the country by 2030.

Ministers warned that farmers would have to adapt to new regulations or face shutdowns and said "not all farmers can continue their business." In response the farmers said they’re being unfairly targeted as polluters while other industries like transportation and aviation are contributing to pollution but don’t have as many rules.

Fox News reports that 11 percent of the US's total greenhouse gas emissions come from the agriculture sector, 27 percent come from transportation, 25 percent from energy, and 24 percent from various industry related emissions.

Nash warned that citizens should pay attention to the upcoming 2025 Farm Bill which is passed once every five years or so, and she fears it could be used to grant the EPA more power over independent farms.

She said, "There's not a backbone in Washington, DC and there's not enough family farmers and ranchers in office to protect us around the United States."

The independent farmer also warned of the big pushes by corporations and billionaires like Bill Gates to buy farmland, especially as they lobby for more consumption of plant-based food, because she said their goals are "rooted in misinformation and filled with ulterior motives."

As farmers vehemently turned up in droves to argue the Dutch policy would have disastrous consequences for their business and consumers, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been seeking to implement a similar policy in Canada.

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec said of the Trudeau government's attack on farmers, "They always come for the farmers. They seem to think that every time that you get one of these revolutionary ideologies in control of a sufficient amount of government, whether it be in the Soviet Union, whether it be in Communist China, now we're seeing in Canada, they always seem to think that they know what's best for farmers. So, they're coming for the farmland."

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