Alabama Gov. Signs Law Banning Sex Change Treatments for Kids

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  • 03/02/2023

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey on Friday signed a law banning sex change treatment for minors. 

As previously reported by Human Events News, Alabama lawmakers on Thursday passed the bill, which criminalizes sex change treatments for those under the age of 19, including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex-change surgeries.

The law will treat sex-change treatments for children as Class C felonies, which carry a penalty of up to ten years in prison for medical practitioners. 

Indeed, it bans medical treatments to change a child’s appearance or affirm their gender identity, including drugs that halt healthy puberty, cross-sex hormones, surgical sterilizations, cosmetic genital reconstruction surgeries and the removal of healthy body parts. 

The law also makes it illegal for teachers and other school employees to encourage children to withhold information about their gender confusion from their parents. 

It does makes exceptions for male circumcision and the treatment of medically verifiable sex disorders.

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