Why Have So Many Journalists Become Captive Propagandists?

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  • 03/02/2023

Yes, we have been waiting literally for years for the John Durham Investigation to become the Durham Report. Had the special counsel to the Department of Justice released his findings earlier before the 2020 presidential election it might have changed the course of history and helped re-elect Donald Trump.

Durhan is singing now but the tune is far from harmonious to any on the Left. 

What is amazing it is that most of the media remains tone deaf.

It is the final nail in the coffin of the Russia collusion hoax, the end of the absurd notion that presidential candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia and parlayed with Russian President Vladimir Putin because he was … what – trying to create a New World Order? Needed the money? And the Clinton campaign lied about it all.

Durham is also proving that the Clinton campaign not only brazenly spied on the Trump campaign but outrageously continued to spy on the Trump presidency.

The net result was the Trump presidency constantly defending itself against accusations of Russia collusion by Democrats and media outlets who either knew the stories were baseless or convinced themselves of their veracity.

Given that the current state of the Democratic Party and its unyielding commitment to mendacity as represented faultlessly by its leader, President Joe Biden, it is understandable but still unjustified that they would ignore the latest Durhan revelations and continue to ignore their responsibility for wasting the nation’s time and grandstanding over a fabricated national security crisis for four years. 

But what about the national media?

Why can’t it stop playing propagandist and acknowledge its role in destroying a president and propping up one trick ponies like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) who constantly lied about having proof of Russia collusion but obviously never did? 

What happened to that journalistic urge to seek the truth – even among liberals? Why do so many of the media seem so effervescent in their role as lapdog correspondents for a political party and even more joyous as pitbull’s against their political enemies? They hounded Trump incessantly during the 2020 campaign yet allowed Biden to hide in his basement and evade any provocative question.

President Biden has so much political baggage from his foreign liaisons as a senator and vice president that he could open up a train station. Hunter Biden could supply a venerable liberal investigative journalism show like 60 Minutes with enough material for half a season. But the liberal media always has a pass on hand.

They have only begun to seriously question President Biden as he has consistently broken down in news conferences and chronically failed in domestic and foreign policy and the deniability is no longer plausible. And one senses that the Left is prepared to sacrifice Biden for the good of the movement and the Democratic Party.

Tuesday’s edition of Fox News’ “The Faulkner Focus” revealed that CNN has devoted just over 2 minutes of coverage to the latest revelations from Durham while the rest of the cable networks have reported nothing. That is truly astounding. 

Clearly, the Canadian media is learning from the U.S. media and this is frightening. Because while American journalists are ignoring Durham, the Canadian mainstream media are mouthing the talking points of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has put his country under virtual martial law because a convoy of truckers have embarrassed him and challenged his authoritarian control of politics. You will find much support for Trudeau’s decision to invoke the so-called “Emergencies Act,” because truckers and their families are smeared as racists and white supremacists by a hypocritical prime minister who made a pastime out of acting out in blackface. Does that remind you a president who palled around with segregationists and joked about black aspirations?

Trudeau has deputized much of the national media by funding it and effectively controlling it. It has accepted government money and is afraid to criticize Trudeau or his government. The Biden government could well decide to buy the national media as well, except journalists have already shown themselves to be willing dupes for the Democratic Party without being bought-off first.

But if you really want to see a dupe of the Democratic Party, watch a news conference with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, a Hillary Clinton hack who has somehow managed to emerge as a foreign policy expert in the Biden administration. 

There is something entirely ironic about Sullivan briefing the media on Russia’s “imminent” invasion of Ukraine since it was Sullivan who assured the world near the end of the 2016 presidential campaign that Donald Trump “apparently” had a “covert server” with a Russian bank, thus creating the unofficial beginning of the Russia collusion hoax.

Just look at the weasel words in this statement from Sullivan on Halloween 2016 based on a bogus news report.

"This could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow. Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.

"This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump's ties to Russia. It certainly seems the Trump Organization felt it had something to hide, given that it apparently took steps to conceal the link when it was discovered by journalists.

"This line of communication may help explain Trump's bizarre adoration of Vladimir Putin and endorsement of so many pro-Kremlin positions throughout this campaign. It raises even more troubling questions in light of Russia's masterminding of hacking efforts that are clearly intended to hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign. We can only assume that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection between Trump and Russia as part of their existing probe into Russia's meddling in our elections."

What “bizarre adoration” of Putin was Sullivan referring to? It was Clinton as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state who got on so well with Putin.

Any journalist knows to be suspicious of a statement or news release that uses words like “could be,” “apparently,” “may,” “may help,” etc. Clearly, Sullivan was just as clueless as a Clinton campaign advisor as he is as a national security advisor, He also looks like he just woke up and always appears like he can’t quite comprehend why he got this job. He was a thundering embarrassment during the Afghanistan debacle, either contradicting his own administration or not possessing the information when queried. 

If Sullivan is eventually right about his predictions about a Russian invasion – and God knows, he could inevitably be after constantly fanning the flames of war – he will no doubt be briefing the media with greater frequency. Will anybody but Fox News ask him about his role in fabricating the Russia collusion hoax and just how comfortable he feels about being an expert on anticipating how Russia will react in Ukraine when he knew absolutely nothing about secret Russian bank accounts and the Trump campaign?

I’ll bet not.

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