With vaccine and mask mandates continuing to rule much of the country, Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin want to give people who’ve already had COVID-19 credit for overcoming the virus.
The Assembly Committee on Constitution and Ethics is discussing legislation that would require businesses in the state to accept proof of natural immunity in place of proof of vaccination or test results.
“We can’t force people to get vaccinated, and I certainly would be strongly against that,” Rep. David Murphy said at a hearing Wednesday. “So that leaves people in the situation of either being forced to do something they don’t want to do, or they leave their job.”
As reported by Just the News, Murphy said that hospitals across the state have terminated or pushed out hundreds of doctors and nurses for refusing to get vaccinated, which doesn’t help those seeking medical treatment for something other than COVID-19.
“If I were a cancer patient, I would rather have a doctor or nurse who is unvaccinated than not have one at all,” Murphy said. “And I think we’re coming down to that point. Where we have to choose between a perfect world and one where we’re still getting health care.”