Outspoken Covid-19 Advocate for Prevention and Early Treatment Launches New Supplement

New York Doctor Vladimir Zelenko, the man who been treating high-risk Covid-19 patients and has reported an attending 84% reduction in hospitalization rates over that of the general populace, and who is also the creator of the “Zelenko Protocols,” has now launched a non-prescription, natural supplement vitamin pill under the name “Z-Stack.”  The pill is […]

  • by:
  • 03/02/2023

New York Doctor Vladimir Zelenko, the man who been treating high-risk Covid-19 patients and has reported an attending 84% reduction in hospitalization rates over that of the general populace, and who is also the creator of the “Zelenko Protocols,” has now launched a non-prescription, natural supplement vitamin pill under the name “Z-Stack.”  The pill is […]


New York Doctor Vladimir Zelenko, the man who been treating high-risk Covid-19 patients and has reported an attending 84% reduction in hospitalization rates over that of the general populace, and who is also the creator of the “Zelenko Protocols,” has now launched a non-prescription, natural supplement vitamin pill under the name “Z-Stack.”  The pill is formulated to help a user either potentially prevent or mitigate the onset of Covid-19.

Containing a combination of the Zinc ionophore (allows zinc to pass through a cell wall) Quercetin, Zinc, and vitamins C and D, the pill has been formulated to help users get the right levels of the four supplements, make acquisition easier, and potentially reduce the cost of a daily dosage.

“What I have learned over time is that for many people it is difficult to source all of the necessary items and to figure out how to take them in right dosages,” Dr. Zelenko explains.  “This was a way for me to contribute to public wellness by making the process as easy as taking a single pill each day.  Depending upon what people were purchasing, it may also save them some money in these difficult times.

Zelenko has been an outspoken critic of government efforts across the country to limit or outright ban the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in addressing the Covid-19 pandemic, either as a prophylactic or in the very early stages of diagnosis.  “The two greatest determinant factors in a patient’s chances of surviving a case of Covid-19 are the state they live in and the doctor they choose,” Zelenko said.

The Doctor has faced considerable backlash, in particular from social media platforms for his outspoken promotion of HCQ and Zinc as an effective combination to fight the pandemic virus that has reportedly contributed to the death of over 600,000 Americans.  Human Events posted a detailed interview with the Doctor back in January, 2021 after he had been taken down from Twitter for having advocated on behalf of prophylactic measures and early treatment of the disease.

Since his being banned from Twitter last year for his advocacy of the HCQ treatment protocol, Zelenko has been full vindicated by peer reviewed scientific research.  It will not be possible to ever know how many of the 600,000 lives could have been spared were it not for the politicization of HCQ by bureaucrats, politicians, and physicians.

While it cannot be clearly proven, some have suggested that the rejection of HCQ by the political and medical community was based not upon science but was instead a repudiation of the drug for political reasons because its efficacy had been touted by then President Trump.

As for his new formulation, Zelenko points to the use of the natural supplement Quercetin as a substitute for HCQ.  “While it is not as effective as HCQ, it is, in fact, a Zinc ionophore. It allows Zinc to gain access to inside the cell membrane where it can get to work.  Zinc is a recognized enemy of coronavirus in all variations.”  Zelenko has pointed to the fact that this information was well known to the medical community prior to the spread of Covid-19.

“Quercetin is a little like a .22 caliber as compared to an M50,” says Zelenko.  “But you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had.  You fight with the weapons and people available to you.  Quercetin, combined with these other supplements is that weapon.”

Zelenko credits his discovery of Quercetin as one having been born out of necessity.  “When Governor Cuomo placed restrictions on pharmacists early in the pandemic for filling HCQ prescription, I need to find another Zinc ionophore.  I was not very familiar with Quercetin at that time, but research led me to it and to conclude that it was the best choice.  I have had very good clinical results in recommending it to my patients.”

The new tablet, which Zelenko says carries the tagline ‘Don’t Worry- Z Healthy’, retails for $55 for a 60-day supply with larger orders receiving a discount.  It can be ordered at www.ZStackLife.com.

Disclosure:  The reporter has been a daily user of the Zelenko protocol for a number of months.  Despite exposure to positive Covid-19 patients during that time, he has not, as of yet, contracted the disease.  This is noted for information only and is not an endorsement or claimed proof of efficacy.

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