The Difference Between Trump and Bloomberg.

Mike Bloomberg and Donald TrumpOne has more billions; the other has lots more common sense.

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  • 03/02/2023

Mike Bloomberg and Donald TrumpOne has more billions; the other has lots more common sense.

Has the Democratic establishment done it again? They thought they had found their ideal presidential candidate, only to have the walls collapse around him. After a year of promoting that travesty of a candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden (even though he frequently forgets what state he’s standing in, and is likely too feeble to serve one, let alone two, presidential terms), the backroom men and women have found a different man to back. “Mike Will Get It Done.”

Michael Bloomberg, they believe, is the man who could not only arrest Sen. Bernie Sanders’ hostile socialist take-over of the party, and, most importantly, they think he could beat President Donald Trump.

But when you examine the comments that Bloomberg has made in the not so distant past, it demonstrates the real difference between the mercurial former mayor and the soon to be re-elected President. Sure, Bloomberg has more in billions, and can potentially outspend Trump during any campaign, but President Trump has a lot more of something called common sense—and an attachment to ordinary Americans that can’t be faked.

[caption id="attachment_181698" align="alignnone" width="1920"]"Resist Oligarchs. F*ck Bloomberg." Mike Bloomberg. "Resist Oligarchs. F*ck Bloomberg." Mike Bloomberg.[/caption]


Consider Bloomberg’s premier performance at a Democratic presidential debate.

“Fat broads and horse-faced lesbians”

Some may say there’s nothing more ruthless than a New York businessman, but they obviously haven’t met Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Warren sliced and diced Bloomberg into mincemeat (“Fat broads and horse-faced lesbians”). But you would’ve thought this man-of-the-world billionaire would have had the prescience to know that the knives would be out for him Wednesday night. Instead, Mini Mike appeared oblivious to the mounting political baggage that he hauled on stage.

Surrounded by progressives, the former mayor appeared to wonder what all these people were doing in his room—and what’s with all these questions? Even the boos from the audience when he defended his non-disclosure agreements with a long list of sexually-harassed women did not seem to shake Bloomberg from his serene detachment. He simply rolled his eyes and pursed his lips every time he was challenged by one of the commoners to his left or right.

Instead of preparing for the debate, Bloomberg spent last week taking credit for leading New York City through the 9/11 terrorist attacks—when every schoolchild knows that was “America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani.

Then there’s the “stop and frisk” policy. Bloomberg can’t seem to decide whether he really supported it as mayor, or kind of opposes it today as a Democratic presidential candidate.  Although he apologized for the policy—that targeted minorities when police stopped people to search for weapons or drugs—after he entered the presidential race, a recording from a 2015 Aspen Security Institute event recently surfaced featuring an enthusiastic Bloomberg throwing his support behind the policy. At the debate, the lackluster candidate could only manage to say things got “out of hand.”

Bloomberg’s astoundingly dismal performance at the Las Vegas debate only underscored an already-disastrous week that would’ve rendered him into political oblivion—were it not for the billions of dollars and establishment liberals behind him.

[caption id="attachment_181696" align="alignnone" width="1920"]"Eat the rich." Mike Bloomberg. "Eat the rich." Mike Bloomberg.[/caption]


Many years ago, a political science professor told me, “Politicians can’t sell you anything to sustain your life, but farmers feed you, and we’d all be dead without them.”

“The agrarian society lasted 3,000 years and we could teach processes. I could teach anybody, even people in this room, no offense intended, to be a farmer.”

Bloomberg disagrees.

In wide circulation on social media this week was his 2016 treatise during the Distinguished Speakers Series at the University of Oxford Saïd Business School. It’s emblematic of just what is wrong with Bloomberg, and how much he differs from Trump. Bloomberg was explaining why he believed there was a cultural and political divide in America: farmers and factory workers just didn’t have the “gray matter” to adjust to the information age.

“The agrarian society lasted 3,000 years and we could teach processes. I could teach anybody, even people in this room, no offense intended, to be a farmer,” Bloomberg said. “It’s a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn. You could learn that. Then we had 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the lathe, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs.”

Those are not just the words of an elitist who despises the common folk; they’re the musings of a man who has never had to really work a day in his life. Sure, he has spent an awful lot of time watching his stocks rise, but clearly wouldn’t know what to do to make the corn grow if his contemptible life depended on it.

And you have to wonder how much of the information age that Bloomberg comprehends when he spends almost $500 million on television advertising that viewers routinely mute or fast forward through because they’ve recorded the program.

No wonder North Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem—a farmer herself—remarked, “Who does Mike Bloomberg think he is? Every single day farmers work long hours but they don’t just have to deal with the labor side. They understand genetics and engineering, biology, chemistry.” The governor noted that everyday American farmers work to “feed the world” and that Bloomberg is, once again, showing how “out of touch [he is] with everyday Americans.”

That’s where Donald Trump has him beat. He might not have as many billions as Bloomberg, but he has an aggregate of common sense that will forever elude the former New York City mayor.

Trump is a populist who communicates with the masses because he is genuine. He has established a bond with ordinary Americans who find the Democrats’ fiscal and social agenda to be not just anathema, but irrelevant. The president has rediscovered the working class conservative, the hard hat Republican—because he can relate to real people.

Can you imagine Trump ever saying that the people who built his real estate projects were just a pack of simpletons who have no real purpose in American society? Can you see him telling farmers that they only grow food because they’re too stupid to do anything more worthwhile? Or how about telling a pregnant female employee to “kill” her unborn baby.

President Trump can be impolite—though usually to the right people who have it coming—but the Democratic establishment has it wrong. Bloomberg will never be our man.

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