AntiFa Targets Tucker Carlson’s Home In D.C. Poster Campaign.

The far-left activist group AntiFa has put up a series of posters identifying Tucker Carlson's home address with a call to rally against him, alongside posters of other right-wing personalities.

  • by:
  • 09/21/2022

AntiFa activists in Washington D.C. have put up posters with the home address of Tucker Carlson’s family. In an effort to “oppose the Alt-Right,” a group called All Out DC has been pasting posters all around the nation’s capital to call upon like-minded activists to rally against the Fox News host.

The posters feature Carlson’s face blocked out by the AntiFa three-arrow symbol, his home address, the words “Block the Alt-Right,” and a description of Carlson as an “Influencer,” which reads:

Racist with a huge following and platform, uses it to promote racist dogwhistles.

Carlson is not the only person being targeted by All Out DC. The group also made posters of OANN host Jack Posobiec and Proud Boy founder Gavin McInnes, which it posted alongside stenciled graffiti of U.S. representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.

The Fox News host wasn't the only figure whose home address was written on the posters. All Out DC also doxed U.S. government official Stephen Miller.

These actions prompted Twitter users to report the group’s Twitter account for doxing. Twitter removed the posts identifying his address following reports, but declined to permanently suspend the account.

Carlson has been a thorn in the side of the far-left activist movement following extensive coverage of their activities since they made their appearance on the U.S. political stage in the weeks leading up to Trump’s inauguration in 2017.

[caption id="attachment_178793" align="aligncenter" width="1920"]Antifa All Out DC Posters Antifa Posters in Washington D.C.[/caption]

It isn’t the first time that the left-wing group has set their sights on the Fox News anchor's home.

In November 2018, a mob of AntiFa activists associated with Smash Racism DC, rallied outside his D.C. residence. They chanted the words “Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night!” Much like All Out DC, the organization posted his address on Twitter, and ordered him to leave town.

During the attack, the group broke his oak door, and security footage captured audio of one of its members mentioning a pipe bomb. Carlson’s wife Susie, who was home alone, locked herself in a pantry until police arrived.

“Here’s the problem, I have four children,” said Carlson in response to the attack on his home. “I never thought twice about leaving them home alone, but this is the reaction because this group doesn’t like my TV show.”

The loosely organized political movement is made up of anarchists and self-proclaimed communists who rally against President Donald Trump, a man whom they falsely accuse of promoting white supremacy.

"Associated with the loose AntiFa array are fringe groups that have initiated the use of force in ways that are completely unacceptable and are a welcome gift to the far right and the repressive forces of the state." - Noam Chomsky

Best known setting fires and rioting on campus grounds at U.C. Berkeley and vandalizing store fronts, proponents of the movement are self-described “social justice warriors” whom the Department of Homeland Security and other security agencies have designated their actions as “domestic terrorist violence.”

Three members of AntiFa were charged with aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, and conspiracy, over the attacks of two U.S. Marine reservists. A mob of “10 to 12 people” attacked the two Mexican-American men in Philadelphia, whom they mistakenly identified as members of a right-wing group called the Proud Boys.

AntiFa has been given a pass by some members of the press, who were recently exposed for having ties to the movement.

Despite the extent of favorable coverage given to AntiFa, not everyone on the left is onboard with the loosely-organized militant activist group. Preeminent leftist academic Noam Chomsky condemned the group’s use of violence as “a welcome gift to the far right and the repressive forces of the state, while also providing some justification for the absurd claim that AntiFa is comparable to the far-right forces.”

Chomsky argues that the violence initiated by the group may justify repercussions from law enforcement, should they keep up their actions, and pave the way for state repression.

“Unlike repression of the left, typically tolerated (even approved), repression of the right elicits great concern and sometimes support for the targets as they claim the high moral ground of ‘defending basic civil rights’,” he said. “That’s quite apart from the opportunity cost, the failure to use the opportunity to expose their doctrines and actions, and the threat they pose to civilized existence.”

Ian Miles Cheong is the managing editor of Human Events



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