Mitch McConnell Should Kill The Don Jr. Subpoena.

  • by:
  • 08/21/2022

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) calls himself the "Grim Reaper". He says he gets to set the agenda. He's got the power to knock Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) into check, but he's not using him grimness or reaper-status on anything but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her Green New Deal.

Prodding a few doe-eyed freshmen might feel good for Cocaine Mitch, but it doesn't do justice to what the Republican base want him doing right now.

After years of investigations... etc etc... I don't even have to write this sentence out you know it already...

After years of investigations... etc etc... I don't even have to write this sentence out you know it already... Sen. Burr wants to allow the Trump family to continue taking a shellacking, with the latest development being the subpoena of Don Jr. It's a travesty, given what they've all been through, and for nothing, at that.

At a critical juncture before a major election, and just when the right needs to unite and try to start healing the wider rifts in the nation, Sen. Burr is driving the wedge. This is where the so-called Grim Reaper needs to step in.

There is quite clearly no merit in having Don Jr testify again.

He's already given hours of testimony. If Burr's Senate Intel Committee wants to hear from him again, they can read back what he told them last time.

As for the ostensible "bipartisan" nature of this, that's total bullshit.

Burr doesn't have the support of Republicans on his committee. He has the support of Democrats. Democrats who are running for President, like Michael Bennet (who?) and Kamala Harris.

It's even more apparent given what Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) said yesterday in now-deleted tweet: "You can't make this stuff up: Democrats are subpoenaing @DonaldJTrumpJr based on the testimony of Michael Cohen—a man who lied to Congress multiple times. This is how low they are willing to sink to harass @realDonaldTrump & his entire family. The #MuellerReport is done. Move on!"

McConnell could quite easily dismiss, suspend, or remove Sen. Burr as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Heck, he could remove him, cancel the subpoena, and then put him back in place if he wants. He has the power.

As Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton told the Epoch Times: "I think [Russiagate is] the worst corruption scandal in American history. There’s simply no comparison in terms of government agencies colluding and conspiring to target a presidential candidate and then overthrow a president.

"So we had this kind of slow-motion coup taking place beginning in the early part of the administration that, frankly, is continuing today. They want to overthrow the president. They’re going to break any rule, it looks to me, in order to do it. And there’s really nothing to compare in prior history where that type of activity took place. So that needs to be exposed."

Why is Sen. Burr assisting Democrat presidential candidates, post-Mueller?

Why – if he has already stated that his committee report is going to be very similar in its findings to Mueller's report – is he still dragging the President's family through the mud?

The Grim Reaper should wield his scythe. Otherwise he's just a creepy old skeleton.

One theory is that actually, he might be trying to be helpful – attempting to solicit a clarification from Don Jr on something that may have been troublesome otherwise. But if that is the case, you'd think a Chinese whisper of it would have made it to the President's team, and his family.

The only hint of this, however, are McConnell's comments this morning on a local radio station in Kentucky:

"I know the president's upset about that, but I think he ought not to worry about it. The chairman of the Intelligence Committee has already said the committee, when it reports, will find no collusion."

But it isn't settling enough.

When the GOP should be coming together to fight an election, one of its senior members is throwing a spanner in the works. The Grim Reaper should wield his scythe. Otherwise he's just a creepy old skeleton.



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