Day of the Long Knives.

Right wingers have been unceremoniously banned from Facebook. Now what?

  • by:
  • 08/21/2022

Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Milo Yiannopoulos have been unpersonned by the digital tech giant Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram. They're coming for you, next. Or more likely, for us.

Human Events stands shoulder-to-shoulder with those being routinely targeted by the would-be 'Masters of the Universe', no matter if we agree with them or not.

Human Events stands shoulder-to-shoulder with those being routinely targeted by the would-be 'Masters of the Universe', no matter if we agree with them or not.

Also banned was Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the repugnant Nation of Islam group. But Farrakhan, like the others, should not have his fate decided by some little nerd in Silicon Valley who has decided his or her feelings are hurt. His fate should be decided in the court of public opinion, with sunlight acting as the greatest disinfectant.

Unfortunately, recent precedent has informed Big Tech that its methods to some extent work.

The removal of people like Laura Loomer, Milo, and Tommy Robinson has directly impacted their livelihoods, their work, and their fundamental freedoms.

[caption id="attachment_175855" align="alignnone" width="2048"]Photos by @Kmeron for LeWeb13 Conference @ Central Hall Westminster - London Photos by @Kmeron for LeWeb13 Conference @ Central Hall Westminster - London[/caption]

And while Farrakhan is far from someone we would be seen dead around, it is only intellectually consistent if the rules apply both ways. For the psychopaths of Silicon Valley however, intellectual considerations come a distinct last to power, profit, and pandering.

The likelihood is Farrakhan's inclusion on the list is simply a sop to make the decision seem less of a one way street. If I were him, I'd be especially pissed off at being the fall guy in this regard.

But Jones, Loomer, Milo, and Watson have a claim to massive anger too, given they are being lumped in with a man who has said "white people deserve to die", and who has said to Jewish people, "...don't you forget, when it's God who puts you in the ovens, it's forever!"

If all these peoples' ideas were not relevant, or popular, they would not need to be banned.

Tommy now struggles to gain traction – albeit with a smile on his face – and a plan to drive a bus around the country with a big screen on it, to highlight the censorship he faces.

Milo – and he will probably hate me for saying this – faces total financial ruin.

Alex Jones has had a massive business ripped out from under him. And Laura Loomer has been relegated to staging protests on the front lawns of those who needlessly aggress her.

If all these peoples' ideas were not relevant, or popular, they would not need to be banned.

The point is the political left and its establishment bedfellows know deep down the public is not on their side.

[caption id="attachment_175856" align="alignnone" width="3888"] (CC) Brian Solis, and Feel free to use this picture.[/caption]

It's no longer "cool" to be pictured at Google events. It's no longer de rigeur to be on Facebook all hours of the day. The psychopaths are losing their grip, and like a wounded animal, are lashing out with all the might they have left.

There's a trite quote about relationships that springs to mind:

“Relationships are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers.

With its latest move, Facebook is clasping its hand shut. It will surely lose in the long term.

The digital square and the public square in person have become inseparable.

And now is not the time for boomer conservatives to rant about "muh private companies" either.

The digital square and the public square in person have become inseparable.

Just as no one should be stopped from expressing edgy opinions in Hyde Park, nor should we accept a private corporation using its power as a means to stifle independent thought.

This is a civil rights issue, and I do not say it with a semblance of hyperbole.

What is happening to conservatives or nationalists is as important as what happened to Soviet-era dissidents.

Book 'burning' is already a thing.

The gulags do not follow far behind.

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It is incumbent upon every single person to support the work of those they admire, or even just read. And it is equally important we defend the rights of those we disagree with.

And think about what this means for the rest of us.

Human Events – for example – is the oldest conservative publication in the country. It was the favorite magazine of one of the most popular presidents ever, Ronald Reagan.

But now those ostensibly more edgy than us are banned, it puts us the furthest on the right still kicking. That means we're next. We've already been targeted.

The oligarchy of digital media needs to be smashed to pieces. And President Trump must surely now act before his voter base can read nothing but the Washington Post or the pseudo-conservative Bulwark.

Help us, President Trump. You're our only hope.



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