Granholm’s Back Is Against the Wall

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  • 03/02/2023

One race that is really heating up is the gubernatorial race in Michigan between Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) and Amway heir Dick DeVos (R).

Until recently, Granholm was wildly popular.  I remember hearing people bemoan the fact that (because she was Canadian), she could not run for President. 

As you know, Michigan continues to lose jobs.  In ’04, the Bush team tried in vain to tie Granholm to Michigan’s woes.  Rather than blaming her, voters rallied around her, and handed Bush a defeat. 

Well, for some reason, the mood has changed.  Voters are finally blaming Gov. Granholm - and this race is tightening.

Of course, candidates with their back against the wall are more likely to lash out at their opponent.  This race is no exception: 

According to today’s Hotline:

MI Dems issued a release shortly after Jack Abramoff’s sentencing, claiming that the lobbyist “has long been an ally” of Amway heir Dick DeVos (R). MI Dem chair Mark Brewer: “The public needs to know Dick DeVos has had meetings with criminally corrupt GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff.”

That was yesterday’s news.  Today, the Dems have issued a press release regarding Devos’ resignation from the state Board of Ed.  The truth is that he resigned because of a family health crisis.  His father had a severe heart attack and Mr. DeVos had to take over the company.  Of course, Republicans have issued their own release on the subject…

Apparently, attacking the family is now fair game ... this race is getting nasty.



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