Professors’ Controversial Film Premiers Tonight

  • by:
  • 03/02/2023

The film's title - "CSA: The Confederate States of America" - should give you a good indication as to its topic. Now add-in the name Spike Lee, who's helping the two University of Kansas professors who made the film, and you could probably quote the movie verbatim without every seeing it.

The Kansas City InfoZine says, "CSA: The Confederate States of America" is "a satirical movie…that examines life after the South wins the Civil War."

A satire? I'm sorry, but after listening to Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and members of the NAACP leadership, I thought the South did win the war.

Professor Kevin Willmott, who wrote and directed "CSA," told InfoZine, "In many ways the South did win the Civil War. The North adopted the Southern way of life. When slavery was ended, then segregation took its place. It was the new way that black people were controlled."

See, I told you this movie wasn't a satire. It's based on fact from what Professor Willmott said.

According to the article, portions of the film feature products for a society practicing slavery such as a Home Shopping Network for slaves and electronic shackles. Professor Willmott told InfoZine that products are marketed today with images that have their origins in slavery –- such as those of a friendly black aunt or uncle used to sell a product.


If marketers used "unfriendly blacks" to promote their products, they would be accused of purposefully portraying blacks in a negative light and adding to racial tensions. Or better yet, if marketers didn't use blacks in their commercials in order to escape this criticism, they'd be in just as much trouble for depicting a "white man's world."

"I think the film (allows) you to see things that you see everyday, but you don’t really think about the origins of them," Willmott tells InfoZine adding that he hopes "CSA" prompts viewers to ask more questions.

Exactly, I would be asking "Why am I wasting my time and money watching something so ridiculous and racially charged."

Another question I'd ask would be "Is this movie a glimpse into what these professors are teaching their students -– that the South basically won the Civil War?"

How is it that the most deadly war in American history - won by the North, ending slavery - is perceived as a failure? Did half a million Union soldiers die in vain? Instead of depicting America as a land of racists, maybe these two University of Kansas professors should make a movie detailing the steps our country has taken to eliminate the racial divide. But wait! That would mean highlighting the civil rights legislation passed in the 1960s by the Republicans.

According to the InfoZine article, IFC Films bought "CSA" when it was shown at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, and Spike Lee offered to lend his name as executive producer.

Go figure.



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