JACK POSOBIEC and DARREN BEATTIE: 'Imagine being a great power and not controlling your own sea lanes'

"I mean, this is just how a great power used to act prior to the globalist era."

"I mean, this is just how a great power used to act prior to the globalist era."

Jack Posobiec hosted Darren Beattie on Tuesday's episode of Human Events Daily during which the pair discussed President-elect Donald Trump's vision of making Greenland part of the United States and regaining control of the Panama Canal. As Posobiec explained, these two assets would be vital for trade which would boost the American economy.

The host said that the notion of "we should be scared of American power" is outdated and "backwards," even "racist."

"We really are the only great power that doesn't follow these basic building blocks of a great power nation," he said. "And that's why I think that when President Trump is talking about Greenland and talking about the Panama Canal and restructuring or obviously using threats of terror ... I mean, this is just how a great power used to act prior to the globalist era."

Beattie explained how Americans need to re-embrace a desire for US victories and power and celebrate them, a principle which has been lost over time.

Beattie said that he is "very encouraged by the fact that a major goal of Trump's second term seems to be to re-establish American supremacy and American interests in the broader hemisphere."

Posobiec agreed, noting "imagine being a great power and not controlling your own sea lanes, not controlling these vast areas of resources in your own backyard," referring to Greenland and the Panama Canal, adding that the US is the only country that does not seem to seek control of its trade routes. 

Watch the full episode below.

Image: Title: poso beattie


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