JOSEPH MANNARINO: It's time to push back against biological males competing in women's sports

It’s time to end this charade and stand up for the integrity of women’s sports.

It’s time to end this charade and stand up for the integrity of women’s sports.

Alright, folks, it's time to address the glaringly obvious: the integrity of women’s sports is under attack, and it’s not coming from where you'd expect. We're talking about biological men competing in women’s events. This isn’t just a matter of fairness; it’s an outright assault on the hard-won rights and achievements of female athletes. ESPN just fired a female announcer who was critical of men competing in women's sports, male cyclists continue to dominate in women's events, and the Olympics is so confused that they couldn't figure out what a woman is even after biological testing.

Let’s clear this up: women’s sports were created to provide a level playing field for female athletes. Allowing biological men to compete against women turns that playing field into Mount Everest—good luck competing on that. Biological differences—like muscle mass, bone density, and lung capacity—give men a distinct and undeniable advantage. This isn’t discrimination; it’s basic biology and it’s facts.

Imagine training your whole life, only to face someone with an inherent physical advantage. That’s the reality for many female athletes today and I think it’s unacceptable. Women are being literally beaten (yes, physically, with punches) by men in competitions meant to showcase female talent. This isn’t progress; it’s a step back to when women’s sports were seen as a side show, their achievements less valued.

The recent inclusion of biological men (chromosomes don't lie) in women’s categories at the Olympics has been a particularly cringe-worthy example. The Olympics, once the pinnacle of athletic excellence, now have men taking podium spots in women’s events. This doesn’t just smack of unfairness; it’s a slap in the face to female athletes who’ve sacrificed so much. And let’s talk about those opening ceremonies. What used to be a celebration of global unity now feels like a performance art piece that belongs at a Marxist art gallery. Seriously, I half expected someone to start reciting slam poetry about climate change.

And speaking of the opening ceremonies, they left millions of Catholics shaking their heads. It wasn't just unnecessary; it was a display of degeneracy and blatant LGBT advocacy, making many viewers wonder if they were watching the Olympics or a new-age cult gathering.

Remember when the Olympics symbolized human achievement and unity? Now it seems more focused on making political statements and appeasing the loudest voices. The ceremonies resemble a ritualistic spectacle, with performances that are not just confusing but often downright offensive to traditional cultures.

This isn’t just an Olympic problem. High schools, colleges, and professional leagues across the United States of America are all grappling with this issue. Policies that allow biological men to compete in women’s sports are driven by a small but vocal minority, leaving the majority of athletes, coaches, and fans watching in frustration as fairness and common sense are tossed aside. And if you dare say anything, brace yourself for the onslaught from the globalist rainbow mafia.

It’s time for those of us who value sanity and the future of women’s sports to speak up. Policies need to reflect biological realities and protect the integrity of women’s competitions.

What message are we sending young athletes and our youth when we allow biological men to dominate women’s sports? We’re telling them their hard work and dedication don’t matter, that their achievements will always be overshadowed by those with inherent physical advantages. And the sad thing is, we live in a world full of people who think this makes sense.

The Olympics and other sports organizations need to remember what made them great: fair competition, respect for all athletes, and a celebration of true excellence. It’s time to end this charade and stand up for the integrity of women’s sports.

The Olympics, once a symbol of global unity and excellence, has been downgraded by these decisions. Let’s reclaim the values that made sports great and ensure every athlete has a fair chance to compete and succeed. Stand up for women’s sports and demand the respect and fairness they deserve.

Joseph is a Conservative Political Commentator and Digital Marketing Strategist. He can be found on X @JoeyMannarinoUS

Image: Title: boxing


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