LIBBY EMMONS: In Biden’s America, defacing a Pride mural is a felony, but defacing national monuments goes unpunished

The penalty for disrepecting gay stuff drastically outweighs any concern over disgracing our nation's history and hating the country itself.

The penalty for disrepecting gay stuff drastically outweighs any concern over disgracing our nation's history and hating the country itself.

Pride crosswalks are all the rage and to defile one is to incite the long arm of the law to file hate crime or felony charges. But statues and memorials commemorating our founding fathers or the origin of our nation are entirely prime to be vandalized, and that vandalism is defended by law enforcement. Last week some kids got slapped with felonies for leaving skid marks on a Pride crosswalk in Spokane, Wash. while on the other side of the country in Washington, DC a mob of vandals attacked statues in front of the White House, covering them with spray paint all because they are mad about a foreign war. They were not even arrested, never mind charged.

The penalty for disrespecting gay stuff drastically outweighs any concern over disgracing our nation's history and hating the country itself. We Americans are supposed to bow down to symbols of queerness while respecting the rights of those who seek the destruction of America. Our elected leaders are all in league with this, they're cool with it, they're the ones giving out the hate crimes and felony charges. 

Pride has taken over American infrastructure and there are severe penalties for vandalizing it. In Delray Beach, Spokane, Washington, Huntington, West Virginia, and countless other cities, hamlets and towns across the US, Pride does not just take the form of flags flown from every conceivable government building, but has manifested in crosswalks. Instead of the classic black and white, the Pride crosswalks are rainbow painted, many of them inclusive of the baby blue and pink colors fetishist and trans veteran Monica Helms designed in 1999.

In Spokane, three teens were hit with felony charges for driving their Lime rental scooters over the crosswalk and leaving skid marks behind. In Manitoba, Missouri, Oregon, Massachusetts, Florida, Washington, Georgia, Alberta, Pride crosswalks have been vandalized and in each instance, leaders and local activists have spoke out against the "hate" it takes to graffiti or skid across the rainbow crosswalk. Mind you, these are crosswalks in intersections, they are meant to be walked on and driven across. 

Yet the LGBTQ activist put their sacred symbol in a place where it could not help but get damaged, intentionally or unintentionally. They laid their altar in the middle of the road and then got mad when people stepped on it. Pride organizers and LGBTQ activists, however, are not deterred by the fact that so many people are not down with their Pride infrastructure. Each time it's vandalized, the organizers and city governments vow to repaint it. In Spokane, the crosswalk was set on fire, repainted, then vandalized. In Bend, Oregon, the Pride crosswalk was "targeted" just a week after it was painted.

Government officials claim that the graffiti and skid marks are all hateful and vow to back the LGBTQIA+ community with more paint, but what none of these people realize is that queering the infrastructure is not a neutral act. As "inclusive" as they may feel it is to proclaim allegiance to sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics in public, with paint, on the street, it is exclusive to so many others. Lots of people don't want to go around thinking about gay stuff all day, don't feel a need to have their thoughts hijacked with Pride simply by walking across the street.

Over the weekend, a far-left mob descended on Lafayette Square. They threw projectiles at National Park Rangers. They tried to surround the White House. They grew increasingly violent and defaced statues in the park. When officers did try to arrest one woman, her agitator friends interfered and staged a de-arrest, preventing law enforcement from doing their job. Some of those actually announced their allegiance to terrorist group Hamas over the interests of the United States. They set off smoke bombs. And all of this was tolerated by law enforcement, encouraged by select elected leaders who back the groups that staged the action.

None of this would be tolerated by lawmakers, police, if it were right-wing protesters making their views known—we know it wouldn't be, because it hasn't been. Right-wing meme makers are prosecuted and convicted with no care for their First Amendment rights. Those marching for Confederate statues to not be removed from Richmond, Virg. were painted as Nazis and were prosecuted. And of course, those who dare to leave skid marks on rainbow crosswalks, a symbol of the queering of America, are hit with felonies, hate crime allegations, and condemnation in the strongest possible terms from our elected leaders.

Queering the roads is a political act, just as vandalizing statues and memorials is, and neither should be tolerated. The real vandalism on our streets is not skid marks on Pride crosswalks, but the Pride crosswalks themselves. These activists have taken neutral roads and made them gay.

Image: Title: biden statues pride


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