EXCLUSIVE: Ron Johnson says Mark Milley 'has a lot of explaining to do' after creating order that changed National Guard deployment chain of command on J6

Jack Posobiec hosted Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson on Human Events Daily Tuesday, during which they discussed how retired General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2021, created an order that altered the chain of command for the deployment of the National Guard on January 6.

Posobiec began by explaining that General Milley was reportedly telling people "that he was worried that President Trump might use the National Guard to declare some kind of martial law" ahead of January 6.

Johnson reported that he read that an order was prepared by Milley as well as Army Secretary McCarthy on January 5 that required McCarthy to approve the deployment of the National Guard. However McCarthy was "AWOL during that time period" and an "order was never given," he said, adding that "it sure sounds like General Milley has got a lot of explaining to do."

Johnson then said that "the full story of January 6 hasn't even begun to be told" and that he had been labeled a "conspiracy theorist" after he entered J Michael Wallers' eyewitness testimony in a Senate hearing which revealed he saw agitators on Jan 6. 

"We just haven't really delved into, 'who were those provocateurs, who were those agitators?'" Johnson said. "You know, to what extent were those groups infiltrated by, you know, different government informants or personnel? Again, I mean, there's so many strange characters that have been documented that there have been just no answers for, people that seem to have been, you know, ripe for prosecution that the government's not touching, while they go after grandmothers with the SWAT raids on their ranches."

He continued that it "all starts with, 'why didn't we have security there to begin with?' You know, what was the plan? They wouldn't even tell us what the plan was. There was more security for the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Judge hearings or justice hearings than there was for January 6."

Watch the full episode below.

Image: Title: Poso Johnson