OLIVER GHORBANIFAR: Beware of Taylor Swift, Joe Biden's most dangerous weapon

Joe Biden is in big trouble. 

At least that is the story that Americans have consistently been telling pollsters for the past several months, much to the chagrin of the Democratic establishment. 

In an almost unbelievable turn of events, former President Trump is now consistently leading Biden in almost all current polls. Including in a series of polls in the all-important swing states. 

And looking at the state of the Biden’s America— consistently high inflation, a border bursting with an illegal migrant invasion, failed wars in Afghanistan and Ukraine, and a far-left pushing transgenderism for kids and genocide against Jews—it isn’t very hard to see why. 

It appears to everyone, even the liberals at the New York Times, that there is now a very real risk that Joe Biden will lose to Trump in the upcoming presidential elections. 

However, Biden has a secret weapon at his disposal. A weapon so powerful it could even overcome his disastrous track record as president and propel him to an unlikely re-election victory. 

And this weapon has a name: Taylor Alison Swift 

Yes, that Taylor Swift. The Grammy winning pop music phenomenon who over the past several years has somehow managed to spawn the kind of mass obsession the United States hasn’t seen since the Beatlemania of the 1960’s.

And Swift has opinions…very, very liberal ones, and she isn’t afraid to share them with her legions of female fans. 

Swift, who has just recently been named Time magazine’s ‘Person of the Year,’ has a long history of not only supporting Democrats but also of being a true believer in the ideology pushed by the party. 

A fact that has been pointed out repeatedly, it should be noted, by Human Events editor Jack Posobiec:

She is the ultimate icon of what it means to be a perpetually aggrieved, single, atomized femcel in 21st century America.

But her true appeal goes far beyond mouthing superficial liberal platitudes or implicitly signifying the emptiness of modern American feminism. 

At its root Swift’s appeal is far more sinister than that and represents a shockingly dark spiritual impulse, as the cultural commentator Mary Harrington noted in a recent essay analyzing Swift’s recent rise.

Harrington provocatively links the many dark themes in Swift’s work, in particular her apparent obsession with tragically doomed romance, to the thousand-year-old heresy of catharism.

“Their books were burned. But inasmuch as their beliefs are known, they were seen as heretical for their rejection of the Christian belief that God was made man.” Harrington writes. “Rather, in their view the world was evil, and incarnation imprisoned souls who longed to be freed to return to the divine.”

Harrington continues, noting that the beliefs of this bizarre sect lived on in such famous medieval cultural artifacts as the cult of ‘courtly love’ (ironically also the origin of the now famous internet term ‘white knighting’) which focused on a love which could only ever be consecrated in death.

“On the surface, her work recounts relatable romantic highs and lows. But its 800-year-old undertow implicitly glorifies those who renounce any possibility of happiness in this world, in exchange for the exaltation that comes from seeking something higher — even if the price of reunion with the divine must be death.” Harrington adds.

And it is these dark, but powerful forces which the Biden campaign will seek to harness in 2024. 

The brutal longing and deep sadness of the millions of barren, single liberal women who have come to see Swift as their avatar and champion could be the jet fuel that propels Joe Biden to another four years in the White House.

The Democratic party has already learned to use the end of Roe v. Wade to drive normally low propensity female voters to the polls in droves. 

They have done so at least two separate times, both of which resulted in serious electoral losses for Republicans. 

If that tried and true liberal game plan is combined with the star power and charisma of Taylor Swift and her legions of female cult followers, the GOP will need a miracle to save it from complete electoral annihilation. 

A miracle that could only possibly be provided by one man: Donald J. Trump.

Image: Title: swift biden