JACQUELINE TOBOROFF: Is the US ready for social justice-obsessed Hamas-loving college kids to enter the workforce?

Our elite institutions have minted a graduating class of terrorists; how can we keep them from ruining the professions?

Our elite institutions have minted a graduating class of terrorists; how can we keep them from ruining the professions?

Since October 7, when Hamas attacked Israel, American universities went into overdrive to defend terrorists. After three years of having the BLM flag and the DEI agenda crammed down our throats, the true endpoint of that agenda was revealed: namely, that you must defend people who get off decapitating babies and ripping fetuses from the womb, or be declared a “colonialist”, “racist”, “xenophobe”, and “Karen.”  

Many of us have known this was where it was going all along. However, now that the rest of society is seeing it, we need to talk about what will happen to the shocking number of college graduates who endorse this message. After all, they will be entering the workforce, and will be unleashed upon American “civil society.” What will that look like? 

Let’s first do a quick recap of what happened and how we got here. 

Harvard (founded in 1636), the University of Pennsylvania (founded in 1740), Columbia, (founded in 1754), University of North Carolina (founded in 1789), NYU (founded in 1883), Stanford University (founded in 1885), and other tony institutions have been declining for years. This was always a problem, because these were the sorts places from which talent was sourced. Ivy graduates were recruited by the best law firms, hedge funds, medical practices, think tanks, and Fortune 500 companies. These fresh brains with cutting edge ideas were used to advance and influence all aspects of life and keep the economy robust.

However, since at least 2020, if not much earlier, Ivies and other places of higher education have also become completely captured by the Democrat / Globalist ideology. As a result, they went all in for the BLM movement. This risky bet to assure their continued political relevance would backfire horribly, turning into a ball-and-chain that kept getting more cumbersome. And not just for them. It would also trickle down to secondary school educations, even going so far as the most elite private grade schools, where had already been in steep decline for decades due to the Federal government’s overreach into individual states’ rights. In practice, this meant that grade schoolers were exposed – and prepared for – an environment fixated on activism, upheaval, and above all, on overthrowing America’s traditional Judeo-Christian ethos. This was, after all, always the mission of BLM, and of their Globalist supporters, who want desperately to take down America.  

Which brings us to today’s environment, where schools of all stripes deride the First Amendment (and free speech generally), only to turn around and claim it as a shield when the people on the receiving end of public outrage are the slovenly, repulsive malcontents who think ethnic cleansing is fine and dandy so long as it’s done to throw off the “yoke of colonialism.” They were able to get away with rejecting comportment, appropriate dress, and even physical hygiene as an “F you” to their supposed roots in “white supremacy.” But when it comes to supporting literal terrorists, you’d hope that universities would realize they had jumped the shark.

So far, the signs are discouraging. Harvard, for example, has refused to cut ties with professors and students who are pro-designated terror organizations. This is despite billionaires and top businesses refusing to hire graduates from these schools who are openly affiliated with pro-Palestine / pro-Hamas organizations.  And yet, incomprehensibly, these schools won’t stop, even though if similar noises were made about campus conservative groups or professors, they’d revoke tenure and begin disciplinary measures immediately. What are we to conclude from that, other than that their hill to die on is supporting people and causes that are anti-America, anti-Western, anti-freedom, anti-Jew, and anti-Christian? Why else would they be willing to pretend, for example, that groups like Hamas would ever accept groups with names like “Queers for Palestine?” These are elite educators; they know as well as we do that such people would be the first ones Hamas would throw off of rooftops and subjugate.

This will have consequences: an army of heartless, dangerous, incompetent, and committed assassins of Western culture are being released into society, bearing the most prestigious degrees available in American society. They won’t all be activists. Some will be dentists, or doctors, or (especially) teachers. And all of them will be fearless and shameless, believing that they will be protected under the BLM, CRT, DEI, SEL umbrella.

Don’t take my word for it. Look at Dr. Andrew Thierry, a diagnostic radiologist in Beverly Hills, CA tweeted, "Zionists are genicidal, [sic] demonic, greedy, pedophilic retards. Change my mind." Dr. Thierry is no mere quack; he’s a clinical instructor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Or look at dentist Ahmed ElKoussa. Who wiles away his nights ripping down posters of stolen Israeli babies. Thankfully, because this was caught on film, he was fired from CG Smile dental practice in Miami, FL The same cannot be said of Dr. Majod Abuarabia, medical director of the Karen Wilson Smithbauer Comprehensive Center for Breast Care at Beaumont Hospital, in Dearborn, MI, who uploaded  a cartoon with the caption, "What a beautiful morning, what a beautiful day." She rammed her sentiments home with “#IFKYK (if you know, you know).”  Oh yes, we know, Dr. Abuarabia. And hopefully, your patients will, as well, before they submit to being examined by a woman who celebrates the death of 1300 Israelis (and 34 Americans). More shameless still was the case of Abeer N. AbouYabis, a physician at Emory Winship Cancer Institute, who wrote,  "They got walls we got gliders [sic] glory to all resistance fighters." And then there’s Mika Tosca, associate professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, who opined, “Israelis are pigs. Savages. Very very bad people. Irredeemable excrement. May they rot in hell.

How many of these people are there? How long will it be before our doctors, dentists, teachers, lawyers, aviators (good grief), business owners, and journalists are all terror apologists? That is, assuming journalists aren’t already captured, which, judging by the New York Times’ swallowing Hamas’ lies about Israelis blowing up a hospital, might actually be true.

So, if matters are already so grim. what can we do? Well, the first thing is, the billionaires and millionaires who have shone the spotlight on the Hamas universities need to get real. Many of them sent their kids to the same private grade schools that take their cues from the Hamas-and-BLM caucus at Harvard, UPenn, Columbia, etc. Those big should pull all funding, all donations, and (needless to say) their children from all those institutions until they disavow the Woke Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; BLM, CRT, DEI, and SEL. Personally, I’m not holding my breath. Those people run companies that have long since capitulated to the same evil agenda, and they’ve made out like bandits from it, so why stop now? But I hope the prospect of their children growing up in a world where that agenda tolerates and even celebrates the deaths of innocents (and, indeed, of people like those very children) will wake them up. If not, we really are screwed.

Image: Title: Hamas supporters


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