JACQUELINE TOBOROFF: Health commissioner tells all New Yorkers to buy and carry Narcan after Bronx daycare fentanyl poisoning

One might call it the white flag of surrender. What it really is, though, is accessory to murder. "You have to carry around Narcan," said New York City Mayor Adams. Narcan is what is administered to reverse opioid overdose, such as heroin, morphine, oxycodone, and fentanyl.

If you still don't understand what is happening in New York City that would force an administration to publicly tell "all" citizens to arm themselves with a medication that reverses opioid overdose, you aren't paying attention. Democrats want citizens to carry medical supplies because the local government won't protect against drugs.

How did we get to Narcan?

First, it's as if Adams seduced cartels and illegal immigrant drug mules and manufacturers to come to the Big Apple and open up shop. This can't be shoveled onto Biden alone. Adams has sent a Batman signal to Macau, Pakistan, Guatemala, Haiti, Venezuela, and Senegal that "free" accommodations costing non-illegal immigrants $400 a night luxury Manhattan hotels are waiting. 

Go to Google Trends, type in "Roosevelt Hotel," enter "Worldwide", and then "Past 30 days." "Roosevelt Hotel" has trended at 100—maximum interest—in many of these third world vapors over the course of the past 90 days.  

Second, it's as if Adams encourages children to use drugs. "Let's Talk Fentanyl" is New York City Health Department's robust campaign that posted ads in the subway system to get the message out. 

"Don't be ashamed you are using, be empowered that you are using safely," one ad reads. "Avoid using alone and take turns." The ad even encourages kids to "Start with a small dose and go slowly." Diverse and happyish young people who resemble the average New York City resident signal in the ads that it's cool to do drugs and that everyone is doing them.

Third, Adams legalized weed and turned a blind eye to illegal weed shops targeting and flooding traditionally safe neighborhoods in the wealthiest zip-codes in Manhattan. The drug was decriminalized before any safeguards were legally put into place to regulate it, and now that the genie is out of the bottle, the city is overrun with a new kind of illegal drug business—one that was state sanctioned and is now impossible to control. Weed is everywhere. Junkies are everywhere. They are slumped over on streets, outside of schools, laying in subways, and yes, in daycare centers. 

Fourth, the Adams administration has made it clear that the ethos of "social justice" trumps all. Death and poverty are collateral damage that he believes the public must accept in order to atone for what has, thus far, prevented "social justice." The goal it seems is a utopian life of degeneracy and dependency. Arresting, prosecuting, and imprisoning drug dealers and users is considered to be anathema to "social justice." None of this is based on logic but is instead meant to embrace "diversity" and not "scapegoat" addicts. Per Adamsn, one must be pro-drugs, manufacturers, drug dealers, and addicts. 

A Bronx daycare center recently saw the death of a toddler due to fentanyl exposure and the fentanyl poisoning of four other toddlers. The workers had ties to the Sinaloa cartel. Following this tragedy, New York City's Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan offered the advice for everyone to carry Narcan. 

"First, everyone should carry naloxone," Vasan said, "get trained to use it and to recognize the signs of overdose. Second, no one should use or allow anyone else to use drugs alone." You got that? They have no desire to stop the poison from entering America, let alone New York City. It wants you to have another drug on hand to combat some of the other drugs. Also, do drugs with people. In the park? At school? At work? Wherever. 

Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin. It's the most common drug involved in overdose deaths and even small doses are deadly. Just 2 milligrams of fentanyl is lethal. 

8.5 million people live in New York City—not counting illegal immigrants. Is there a sufficient supply of Narcan? There are 1,867 schools within the DOE as of fall 2022, including 275 charter schools. Are they stocked with enough Narcan?

Narcan is made by Emergent BioSolutions. In 2020, it made $233.80 million and in 2021 made $313.70 million; a year-on-year growth of 34.17 percent. The FDA approved the first over-the-counter naloxone nasal spray in March 2023. Narcan can cost upwards of $130 for two doses. It will now cost $45 at major U.S. drugstore chains, like Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, Walmart. But hurry up, I just went to my local Duane Reade and they only had one Narcan left until they restock, which takes 72 hours. 

The CDC reported that there were an estimated 110,000 fatalities from drug overdoses. Drug overdose deaths in New York involving opioids increased to 85 percent in both 2020 and 2021. New York's opioid overdose death rates surpassed national rates in 2020 and 2021. And in 2020, death rates were highest for white New Yorkers.

They closed down school for Covid, which barely affected healthy children. Fentanyl, on the other hand, is a killer that strikes not just from using a needle and injecting heroin, but from doing nothing but breathing or rubbing eyes. No comorbidities or obesity is necessary. Fentanyl can be absorbed into the body via inhalation, oral exposure or ingestion, or skin contact. 


So hurry up parents, in between pick-up and drop-off, go pick up some Narcan.

Image: Title: NYC Narcan