OLI LONDON: Sexologist John Money's botched experiments on twin boys and how it led to modern gender ideology

Only when we look back on how this dangerous ideology began and see the sinister intentions behind it all do we realize the true horrors of this modern phenomenon.

Only when we look back on how this dangerous ideology began and see the sinister intentions behind it all do we realize the true horrors of this modern phenomenon.

Gender ideology is taking over all aspects of modern society at an alarming rate, pushed by all those that seek to gain from it: big pharma, pediatric clinics, LGBT lobby groups such as the Human Rights Campaign, sex change doctors, activists, and those that push for the sexualisation of minors. In the past year alone, there has been a relentless push to normalize gender identity and make it an accepted part of our society, from Disney introducing non-binary characters in its movies to Target selling baby clothing featuring Pride messaging, schools encouraging children to transition and keeping it secret from their parents, and even President Biden pushing for the genital mutilation of young teens.

While so many Americans are being subjected to this daily bombardment, gender ideology is being pushed harder on one particular part of the population: children. Increasingly, young children are being groomed and targeted to transition, with thousands being sent to pediatric gender clinics each year with symptoms of gender dysphoria whilst being placed on cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and even having genital reassignment surgeries. In the past 15 years alone, over 100 such clinics opened across the US to exploit this demand.

But the main question on everyone's mind right now is where did this harmful social contagion stem from and who is behind this dangerous trend to confuse, manipulate, and sterilize children?

The answer lies with psychologist and sexologist Dr John Money (1921-2006), considered the founding father of gender ideology. Born in New Zealand in 1921, Money authored over 40 books and 500 research papers during his lifetime and coined the term "gender identity" while creating the "gender neutrality theory." Beginning his work studying intersex children at Massachusetts General Hospital before later moving to John Hopkins University, the psychologist created the theory that a child would take the gender identity they are raised with (nurture) rather than the identity corresponding to their biological sex (nature). The theory stipulated that gender identity could be changed through nurture and that certain behavioral interventions, hormones, and gender reassignment surgery was the solution for treating children born intersex or with atypical genitalia. 

In 1966, the psychologist founded the world's first gender clinic at John Hopkins University in Baltimore where he began studying his most famous patient, David Reimer. Reimer, who had an identical twin brother, was born male in 1965, but tragically had his penis cut off during a botched circumcision surgery at just 8 months old. After struggling to find support for treating their castrated son, the parents contacted Dr. Money who they knew was a prominent psychologist in the field of gender identity and sexual development. While meeting with the psychologist, he told the parents to reassign David’s sex through hormones, behavioral treatments, and surgery and raise him as a girl. Aged just 22 months, David underwent gender reassignment surgery, whereby his remaining damaged male genitalia was removed and replaced with rudimentary female genitalia. He was then subsequently raised as a girl named Brenda and treated as one, being made to wear dresses, growing his hair, and having his gender identity affirmed with girls' toys. However, during his childhood, he was never told by his parents or Dr. Money that he was in fact a biological boy. Nor did he know that he was the test subject and his brother Brian was the control subject in this first-of-its-kind science experiment. 

Whilst he was raised as a girl, his brother Brian continued to be raised as a boy. Throughout their childhood, they were both studied meticulously by the psychologist. Some of Money’s research into the boys included: forcing the twins to perform sex acts and making them examine each other's genitals to help establish Brenda’s "gender identity." This so-called "research" also involved Money photographing the boys while forcing them to engage in shocking sex acts on each other. Despite it being clear child sexual abuse, the photos taken during these experiments are reportedly still held today at the Kinsey Institute, an institute founded by another notorious gender ideology sexologist, Alfred Kinsey. 

As David became a teenager, he was placed on high doses of estrogen in order to further the process of his transition and resultingly began to develop severe gender dysphoria as a result of Money’s experiment, ultimately leading to severe depression and suicidal thoughts. He was also subjected to merciless bullying at schools due to his gender identity because he was clearly different than the other girls in his class. Then at 15 year old, he discovered the truth about who he really was and the bombshell news that he was actually a boy. After making the shocking discovery, he began to detransition back to being male and underwent testosterone injections, surgery to remove his breasts, and genital reconstruction surgery to recreate male genitalia.

Despite David’s detransition, Money continued to state his study was a success, claiming he had successfully proven his theories on gender identity using nurture - that if you transition children from a young age through surgery, behavioral changes, and hormones you can mold the gender identity of the child. It wasn’t until the 1990s when a rival psychologist and sexologist Dr. Milton Diamond, who was a critic of Money, met with David to discuss his story and found out the truth. This led Dr. Diamond to publish the results of his meetings with David, while using the anonymous name John/Joan to protect him, to counter Money’s "success" claim while arguing against other doctors using gender identity theory and applying it to young children to change their gender.

Following on from this, in 2000, David and his mother appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, bravely waiving his previous anonymity to reveal details of his struggle for acceptance as a teen telling the TV host, “I tried so desperately to fit in because I was so lonely.” While on the show, his mother recounted a troubling story of when he was aged 13, living as Brenda, and doctors wanted to perform a vaginoplasty surgery on him. When he was informed that doctors wanted to operate on him again, he ran onto the roof of his school and said if he had to see the doctor again he would commit suicide. 

The horrific mental and physical abuse he received from being the test subject in Money’s experiment eventually led David to commit suicide in a grocery store at the age of 38 after struggling with severe psychological and physical damage all of his life. 

Despite the unethical and disturbing experiments and research by Money, his work ultimately laid the groundwork for today's modern gender ideology movement with his determination that being male or female is not biologically determined, and the claim that children are born with "gender neutrality." All of his theories and research are now being reapplied in the modern day, in an attempt to justify transitioning increasingly young children. 

Despite David taking his own life due to the horrific damage of gender identity and the suicidal tendencies and vulnerabilities of numerous other children that are having their gender identities "affirmed," the rates of teens being transitioned only seeks to increase at a staggering rate each year, with over 300,000 children aged 13-17 now identifying as trans. Only when we look back on how this dangerous ideology began and see the sinister intentions behind it all do we realize the true horrors of this modern phenomenon.

Image: Title: money reimer


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