DAVID KRAYDEN: 'Leave our kids alone': Canadian Muslims push back against Trudeau's LGBTQ policies in schools

So does Trudeau now accuse these Muslims of being white supremacists?

So does Trudeau now accuse these Muslims of being white supremacists?


I asked questions when Muslims first participated in an anti-LGBTQ school indoctrination protest in Ottawa. How is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau going to explain this phenomenon? Does so-called homophobia trump imagined Islamophobia? Who is the more oppressed identity? Who is the greater victim?

How are the Liberals going to staunch the hemorrhaging of one of their key voting blocs: new Canadians who thank Trudeau government for welcoming them to Canada but are quickly realizing they have little in common with this woke government that is obsessed with increasingly bizarre forms of sexuality and extreme gender identity politics?

Because they can’t answer the first three questions about whose rights are more important, the Liberals will be unable to solve the problem of Muslims and other religious groups leaving their subdivided tent en masse. 

Muslims are supposed to be part of Trudeau’s identity politics. He even appointed an Islamophobia czar to try to convince Muslims that they weren’t just average Canadians with the same economic and social concerns as Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs. 

But now Muslim mothers are telling Trudeau, “Leave our children alone” and stop indoctrinating them with the ever-increasing letters and weight of the LGBTQ agenda that is now focused on children having the right to change their genders without even having to tell their parents first.

There have been at least multiple protests in Ottawa where Muslims have either joined with Christian allies or led their own rallies to denounce Trudeau. At one, children stomped on the “Pride” flag.

On Saturday, Muslims came to Trudeau's Langevin office on Wellington St. in Ottawa to demand an end to the LGBTQ indoctrination in schools and for the federal government to put the Canadian flags back on the front of the building where the Progress Pride flag, with rainbows and triangles, now flies. 

They chanted, "Leave our kids alone" and "The Flag has to go.”

A Calgary protest last weekend was in absolute contravention of a city protest ban that was designed to stop parents from voicing their opposition to drag queen story hours.

The Progress Pride flag is increasingly seen as a symbol of division and hatred against all races and religions who question the ever-expanding LGBTQ matrix. That’s as many letters as I’ll ever use.

Trudeau may be a smorgasbord Roman Catholic who picks and chooses what church doctrines he chooses to believe in, but apparently Muslims take their religion at face value. Trudeau can embrace abortion and medically assisted suicide even as he has an audience with a pope who opposes it; but Muslims really do believe God created two genders, not 27. 

So does Trudeau now accuse these Muslims of being white supremacists? That would be a stretch since the vast majority are Arabic. Does he label them as fascists or something else unpleasant?

It’s no surprise that Trudeau has been absent from the House of Commons for almost a week now. He has said nothing about these protesting Muslims because he knows their opposition to his policies represents the dangerous splintering in the immigrant vote and the potential that assumed Liberal voters are defecting in large numbers to the Conservatives – even though Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre refuses to say anything about the tyranny of Trudeau’s LGBTQ agenda.

And that is inexcusable because Trudeau has clearly crossed the line into political madness.

In his tirade against New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, who thinks parents should be informed about their children under 16 deciding to change genders, Trudeau called parents "far-right" for thinking they should have possess some basic rights about knowing what their children are planning.

"Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people," the prime minister said.

"Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don’t have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission," Trudeau said on June 9 while at an event promoting the "Rainbow Railroad" program that seeks to place LGBTQ "refugees" in Canada.

"Well, trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians," Trudeau continued.

"We have to stand against this. We have to stand up for the freedoms we believe in and continue our work of letting love be louder than hate."

Trudeau has demonstrated his penchant for authoritarian politics in the past. He crushed the Freedom Convoy protest with the enthusiasm and desperation of an old South American military junta or one of the former Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe. 

He is snuffing out free speech with a series of internet censorship laws that are long past ominous and clearly Orwelllian. But in his latest battle against parents having even the right to know what sexual identity politics are being played on their children, Trudeau has become the ultimate totalitarian despot who believes the state and not parents should be raising your children.

And he plays this game with the same cringing hypocrisy that he has crushed the opposition with in the past: by smearing his opponents. Today, the parents are far-right and therefore like Nazis – not him! 

He called the Freedom Convoy racist and misogynistic when he performed blackface as a second career and has a long record of treating women in politics as second-class citizens. He has the gall to describe his detractors in words that would better suit himself. But as the classic narcissistic politician, neither the monumental nerve nor the overwhelming irony of that switch are apparent to this grossly outsized personality.

He is the raging authoritarian and yet it is the parents who are “far-right,” and it is the “trans kids” who don’t feel “safe” because they are being “targeted by politicians” who think parents should have some role to play in all this. The children are being targeted alright, but by woke politicians who have co-opted the educational system to sexualize them, confuse them, and force them to make decisions about their gender that they are simply too young and vulnerable to make. If there is any child abuse going on, it is coming from Trudeau and the activist school system that has completely forgotten and misplaced its priorities. 

Like many authoritarians, Trudeau is planting the seeds of his own destruction. You can only spew irrational rhetoric to support half-baked policies for so long until your audience turns on you and decides this is all really just unvarnished BS. And dangerous BS at that.

That is the hole he is currently inhabiting.

Image: Title: trudeau muslim


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