MORGAN ZEGERS: Biden's Dept of Education BLASTED on social media for posting Pride Month graphic

Public schools across the country have been completely undermined by progressives who believe that a child’s “gender transition” takes priority over healthy development and education.

Public schools across the country have been completely undermined by progressives who believe that a child’s “gender transition” takes priority over healthy development and education.

The United States Department of Education (DOE) is getting slammed on social media after posting a Pride Month graphic about students feeling free to “be their authentic self.”

“Everyone in the school community should feel valued for who they are [and] free to be their authentic self,” the post read. “Our message to LGBTQI+ students, teachers, and staff as we begin #PrideMonth: ED has got your back.”

The post led many people to shame the DOE for concerning itself with children’s identities and “sexual preferences” rather than their education and development. Testing scores nationally have been in decline since 2020, and it’s no mystery why.

One Twitter user lambasted the post, stating “We have schools in America where not a single child is proficient in their grade level, yet taxpayer money is being spent on sexualizing our children. These indoctrination camps that we call Public Schools are promoting and pushing sin and confusion, while actual education sits on the back burner.”

Others on social media urged parents to take their children out of public school by any means necessary.

The Department of Education is a taxpayer-funded government entity that creates curriculum for public schools on a local level, and has been known to withhold funding if certain districts or states do not want to implement a specific lesson plan. They also offers “resources for LGBTQI+ students” on its website.

The largest teachers’ union in the country, the National Education Association (NEA) also made a statement of support for “LGBTQIA+ students [and] educators,” and even changed their profile photo to reflect the colors of the progressive pride flag.

Many fairly accused the NEA of not understanding their role as educators, but the problem is many understand all too well the importance of their role for students during their formative years. Last year, the NEA arrogantly claimed to “know better than any” what students need. But that’s not all, the National Education Association‘s (NEA) “LGBTQ+ Caucus” created a website complete with “resources” and affiliate links for students and educators to access which goes into detail about sexual preferences and acts.

“Most of the content available is far beyond what parents consider appropriate for minors. In addition to the online “resources,” the NEA created ‘I’m Here’ badges for teachers to wear while at school. These badges displayed the pride rainbow colors and a QR code linking to the new website.”

-TPUSA Live Feed

Public schools across the country have been completely undermined by progressives who believe that a child’s “gender transition” takes priority over healthy development and education. Schooling alternatives should ideally be at the forefront of every conservative parent’s mind.

This piece first appeared at TPUSA.

Image: Title: pride month DOE


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