Steve Bannon's War Room cautions against potential for CIA deep fakes to interfere in 2024 presidential election

"It’s not God-like AI, it’s demon-like AI.

"It’s not God-like AI, it’s demon-like AI.

In a recent episode of War Room, host Steve Bannon and Brian Kennedy, Chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, sat down to speak on the dangers of artificial intelligence and the role it could play in the 2024 presidential election.

"AI, how dangerous?" Bannon asked, to which Kennedy replied, "it’s extremely dangerous."

Later in the conversation, Kennedy said that "one problem with artificial intelligence also is the fact that here we are on the verge of an electoral season.

"The misinformation, disinformation that AI could generate about the whole thing will be massive and cause an immense ammount of confusion, whether it’s parts of the US government doing that to the United States, which is not out of the question," or social media companies working with the government, the Chinese, the Russians, or someone else, Kennedy said.

"Once we turn our lives over to artificial intelligence, an immense amount of things can go wrong," he continued, adding that Americans will most likely be voting using electronic voting machines.

Kennedy added that if Trump wins the 2024 election, "the first thing the other side’s going to say is well, Russia used their artificial intelligence to make sure that Donald Trump won."

"They manipulated the machines, all of a sudden everyone who was in favor of the machines will be against machines because of all this," he added.

Earlier in the conversation, Kennedy noted that AI being created by man means artificial intelligence would be subjected to the same fallible nature of mankind.

"And it’s not God-like AI, it’s demon-like AI. I mean, if these computers are being programmed by human beings and human being are fallible, as we know, we’re going to create a system that is ultimately evil at its core, because there’s nothing redemptive about AI," Kennedy continued.

"So every failing that is man will be programmed into the system, and none of the virtue, and we’ll realize over time that joy will not come by some computer-generated narrative that we’re fed. Joy will come from our human interactions with one another, beginning first with out relationship with God and our families, and artificial intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with that." 

Other AI experts have raised concerns over the rise of deepfakes, or the creation of convincing images, video, and audio of people that didn’t occur.

Speaking with The Hill, vice president of intelligence at the cybersecurity firm ZeroFox AJ Nash said, "we’re not prepared for this. To me, the big leap forward is the audio and video capabilities that have emerged. When you can do that on a large scale, and distribute it on social platforms, well, it’s going to have a major impact."

"What if Elon Musk personally calls you and tells you to vote for a certain candidate?" said founding CEO of the Allen Institute for AI Oren Etzioni of voice cloning tools. "A lot of people would listen. But it’s not him."

Image: Title: bannon war room ai


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