LANDON STARBUCK: Moms of 'Trans Kids,' The Modern Day Munchausen By Proxy— Trans parents brag about transitioning their kids

The Social Contagion of Transitioning Children is not only undeniable, it's much worse than anyone could have imagined. Freedom Forever's investigative team uncovered the alarming reality inside the largest online group of moms of "trans kids."

Gender ideology isn't just being pushed by medical and academic institutions. It's being pushed by mothers caught up in a social contagion that offers them a quasi-religious community full of purpose, affirmation, praise and fellowship. 

One mom found herself in the largest online group for mothers of so-called "trans," queer, LGBTQIA+ and gender-nonconforming kids but she wanted out after discovering a sick culture of mothers seeking to transition their toddlers, fast-track surgeries and other disturbing behavior all while pushing a clear left-wing political agenda.

The group is called Serendipitydodah. The Washington Post ran a puff piece stating "This group might save your LGBT kid's life." It's run by an activist mom named Liz Dyer who works to support far-left activist groups like The Trevor Project, a group that offers private chats between adults and kids about their sexuality and the left-wing activist organization pushing radical pleasure-based sex ed, GLSEN, backed by Disney.

Over 36,000 moms belong to this private Facebook community and it's growing by the day as the social contagion to transition children increases. Many moms found this group after it was promoted by cast members of the show, "Schitts Creek." Moms are fast-tracking transitions for their kids which in their group-recognized language, they call their "reasons."

What you're about to see illustrates the extremely harmful, dangerous ideology they're pushing on vulnerable kids who are struggling with mental health issues. It's all based on woke gender theory which promotes a path of confusion, self-rejection, dangerous drugs and sex change surgeries on kids. Like all medical experiments carried out on children throughout history, the abusive results are revolting and end with serious, irreversible side effects. 

One disturbing trend is the sudden explosion in toddler to grade school-aged kids being transitioned along with a clear pattern that shows children with autism being led to believe they're transgender. 

They even have a group within the group called "Mama Bears Double Rainbow Group" for moms who have "LGBTQ+ kids who are also autistic"

Here you can begin to see another pattern emerge where moms report having multiple children who are LGBTQ+ or where they ponder how the world will react to both parents and child being LGBTQ+. I have to stress to you that this is only a sampling of numerous posts just like these. 

Evidence of surgical and hormonal transitions is being normalized, promoted and celebrated.

Recommendations for surgeons who will do sex change surgeries on children are a regular occurrence within this group. Anything but celebration of this, including just a cursory questioning of if this is healthy, is regarded as unwelcome.

In one post from a mom in the group, she freely admits to taking her 8-year-old child to a teaching college where she says a group of 6 people in the exam room wanted to look at the child's genitals. This is just a sliver of the horrors these children are being subjected to. 

Discussions of chest binders for children are a regular occurrence within this group as well.

And again, I can't stress how many extremely young children are being transitioned within this group. 

Remember just a decade ago when society agreed that we shouldn't assign genders to specific toys or clothes when kids are little because they're just having fun being a kid? Well, that's not happening in this group. If a kid dares to like a toy or clothes that are considered too masculine or feminine then many of the moms you come across in this group believe they MUST be transgender!

As if they aren't getting enough attention or words of encouragement for the situation their "reasons" are in, they can apply to be featured on National Television. One such offering to be featured on Nickelodeon was posted by the group's founding member.

The founder, Liz Dyer, makes it very clear that her group only allows one political view to be present. The group went so far as to endorse Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. 

Members of the group have posted photos of their kids with President Biden as well. 

Overall the group seems very aware that this is as much a political group as a radical gender theory sounding board and some have even encouraged others to break ties with their conservative, Republican family members. 

President Biden might not be able to remember what state he's in, whether he's President or Kamala is or whether the UFOs he had shot down were kid's science projects or aliens but have no fear, he remembers kids' pronouns (after getting a briefing on them). 

Mental health issues are seemingly inescapable within the group. Nearly everywhere you look, you see clear mental health issues that need to be addressed. A small sample of these tragic circumstances can be seen here. 

Within the group you'll find that conversations about fertility are extremely uncomfortable with some parents asserting that doctors encouraged them to bank their child's sperm at age ELEVEN before they go on blockers or hormones in an apparent admission of the fact these often cause infertility.

As you can see in the response to this mother, any minor crack in their fantasy brought about by a doctor or family member is designated as either blatant transphobia or "internalized transphobia." In my estimation reviewing the group, it seemed to me that anything except for full-throated acceptance of their radical views was seen as the ultimate form of bigotry.

You might be wondering at this point… Who do these people listen to? What are they reading? Where are they getting this? Many in this group have endorsed books like "Gender Queer" for both parents and children.


Other books include "Some Girls Bind."

And of course, books being sold by the group's founder. 

Above you'll see an excerpt from the book these moms were recommending called "Gender Queer." The sirens were added by us but the actual book is fully uncensored. Child readers are exposed to graphic sex acts and so-called "kink."

Now that we know what they're reading, their politics and their mental state, you might be wondering how they found this group and what other activities they enjoy. 

If so, we've got you covered and the answer is as bizarre as you'd expect… A tremendous number of users within this group thank the TV show "Schitts Creek" for their discovery of this group. That's right, this alarming group was featured warmly on a major TV show.

Favorite extracurriculars featured within the group are more predictable. They include Drag Queen Story Time, Kids in drag and attending pride.

One extracurricular we found was less well-known though. In the photo below you see that a Mom has had her child's photos digitally altered to make their daughter look like a boy.

This user's post encapsulates another favored activity many of these moms have: censoring opposing thought as some bizarre forced tolerance ritual where no one can dissent or question your beliefs or else it's hateful.

At least one husband of a mother in the group is saying what we're all thinking right now: They are too young to possibly make these decisions and it's very clear these moms have an agenda they're pushing. The father also correctly points out that this new woke version of "gender-affirming" is the true conversion therapy, converting kids from their biological gender to a new gender they can never truly be, all while calling it "gender-affirming." 

Instead of calculating the harms of allowing children to be experimented on with off-label drugs and the irreversible effects of puberty blockers, this mom group appears to be laser-focused on emotional validation while blinded to the very real dangers to their children and their children's futures. In digging through the feeds dating back years, we couldn't find any mention of trans regret other than a comment made by the group's founder referring to trans regret stories being a source of "disinformation."

They don't compare notes on how or if they talk to their children about the long-term side effects, including the lifelong dependency on big pharma. We found few posts addressing the ever-present mental health comorbidities or any tips on how to delay these serious medical interventions until they're adults. 

They're laser-focused on social, psychological and medical sex changes for kids. They compare notes on how to fast-track surgery, how to get insurance to pay for it and they even shared a private list of surgeons willing to perform transition surgeries on children as young as 12! 

These mothers proudly share private information about their children's "journeys" which seem to culminate in posting celebratory pictures of their "reasons" on surgery day. It's almost as if this marks a kind of baptism into their new identity within this pseudo-religion and the death of their old one. 

To a layman, the behavior of these moms seems consistent with the behavioral markers of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. The NIH's National Library of Medicine defines Munchausen syndrome by proxy as "a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often the mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick." 

The mothers in this group seem very invested in finding reasons their child has gender dysphoria and then transitioning them before they're old enough to drive a car, buy a beer or live on their own. Why do they seem so eager to seek early treatment based on symptoms as mundane as their sons liking the colors pink/purple and Disney princesses? 

To this writer, it looks like they seek attention and validation for how affirming they are of their children's gender nonconformity. The measure of affirmation seems to be marked by how far along you are on the "journey." 

I've heard the term "let your child lead" from many moms who are a part of this new ideology and I want us to think about that phrase. In what other area do we let our children lead us when it comes to issues with lifelong consequences? Is this really about letting them lead or is it about absolving themselves for their failures when it comes to their own parental responsibility to protect their children? The playbook appears to be unquestioned affirmation, blockers, hormones and then surgery… 

And if the child later has regret? Well, sorry, mom was just "letting you lead" because she loves you. I wonder if they'll find this group as tolerant when that day comes? 

Few have dared to even mention the serious safety concerns surrounding off-label drug use, the complete lack of long-term safety studies and the inconvenient studies indicating greater suicide rates in adults who've transitioned. 

If I would have told you 10 years ago that there'd be a contagion of mothers signing up their children for double mastectomies and chemical castration in 2023 simply because it makes them "feel good"… What would you have told me? I believe future generations will look back in horror at how we allowed this social contagion to sterilize and mutilate so many children.

Serendipity Facebook Images by The Post Millennial on Scribd

Image: Title: seredipidoodah