NYC Democrats Pledge to Do 'Everything We Can' to Defund NYPD 

On the Sidewalks of New York is a weekly feature at Human Events wherein Jacqueline Toboroff, a native New Yorker, will share her observations and candid commentary on the goings-on in our nation’s largest city. Wherever you live, and whatever you feel, there is no escaping the fact that New York City matters.
New York City Council is a 51-member body that is overwhelmingly Democrat; there are only five elected Republican members and one that recently flipped from Democrat to Republican. Under former Mayor de Blasio’s rule, City Council spasmodically lurched insane, er, Left. It has continued on this trajectory under Mayor Adams. He has the ability to rein in the council, so, it follows that they’re all in the same ship.

City Council has brought us such gems as voting on unconstitutional legislation to give the then 800,000 non-citizen New Yorkers the right to vote in local elections. It was ultimately struck down by a judge. It passed a legislative package on DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion). It has strengthened the Green New Deal (2019 Climate Mobilization Act), whatever this is, “to ensure that New York continues to be a leader in the global fight against climate change.” By the way, this “global fight” excludes three-quarters of the world.  It introduced Intro 632, which, if passed, will disallow landlords from doing background checks on murderers and rapists. And, City Council voted to defund NYPD and to pass a resolution ending qualified immunity for police officers.

Just in time for the November 2023 City Council elections, the Democrats up for re-election are panicked. No matter how anti-NYPD they remain according to their own rhetoric, they can no longer convince their constituents to believe their lying eyes. Crime is terrible. This is despite the Left’s insistence that “violence interrupters”, tearing down jails and flooding the streets with criminals, and fewer arrests and even fewer convictions under a “social justice” framework, is utopia. It is hell.

As per the New York Post, “The streets of New York are meaner than they’ve been in more than 15 years thanks to soaring felony crimes, new police data reveal. More than 170,000 felony crimes were reported in the Big Apple last year — the most since 2006, when the NYPD first started making such statistics publicly available. The data, released last week, shows a record 172,852 felonies reported in 2022. That’s up 20.4% from 2021, when 143,522 complaints were recorded. ‘Things in a large city aren’t supposed to grow that much or go down that much in one year,’ said Former NYPD supervisor Chris Hermann.”

The Democrats on the City Council go by multiple names, it’s hard to keep up. But the oxymoronic Democrat Socialists and the Progressives are distinctly the most anti-law-abiding citizen faction of the Democrats.

In order to be a part of the Progressive club in City Council, one must sign a “Statement of Principles.” What are the principles? Being pro-criminal. Thirty-five of the Democrat members were asked to pledge allegiance to priorities for this year’s budget negotiations with Mayor Adams. These include housing, education, sustainability, and law enforcement funding. “We will do everything we can to reduce the size and scope of the NYPD and the Department of Correction, and prioritize and fund alternative safety infrastructure that truly invests in our communities.”

The Progressive Caucus has lost fifteen members; it’s down from thirty-five to twenty. The pro-criminal, delusion, and race obsessed wackos are up for re-election. In order to defeat them in their Democratic primary, people across America should flood their less insane opponents with support and flush the Republican opposition with money, social media aid, and volunteers, lest one is in favor of tax money from functioning states be sent to support the dysfunction in New York City.

Here’s a list of the Progressive Caucus’ top four members that want to abolish the NYPD; Brooklyn Councilman Lincoln Restler, Brooklyn Councilwoman Shahana Hanif, Brooklyn Councilwoman Jennifer Gutierrez and Manhattan Councilwoman Carmen De La Rosa.

Also in the group are Manhattan District 1 Christopher Marte, Manhattan District 2 Carlina Rivera, Bronx District 14 Pierina Sanchez, Bronx District 16 Althea Stevens, Bronx District 18 Amanda Farias, Queens District 22 Tiffany Caban, Queens District 25 Shekar Krishnan, Queens District 26 Julie Won, Queens District 27 Nantasha Williams, Brooklyn District 34 Jennifer Guitiérez, Brooklyn District 35 Crystal Hudson, Brooklyn District 26 Chi Ossé, Brooklyn District 37 Sandy Nurse, Brooklyn District 38 Alexa Aviles, Brooklyn District 40 Rita Joseph, and Brooklyn District 42 Charles Barron.

These twenty Progressives have much in common; they’re uber privileged, young, majority minority, and preside over districts that have suffered tremendous spikes in crime. They could care less. These hypocrites benefit from private security details paid for by taxpayers.  They also have qualified immunity that indemnifies them from being sued when their deadly dangerous policies get people killed or raped.  

To illustrate, less than a week ago, a reporter said to Mayor Adams “Let me ask you about shoplifting,” Eloquent Adams said, “I’m sorry, who?” The reporter repeats, “shoplifting, particularly with how a lot of the drugstores are handling it. They’re putting a lot of everyday items… under lock and key. A lot of people have commented that this gives the impression that the city isn't safe.

Adams says, “Right.” The reporter continues; “Is this a practice that is here to stay and what have you asked the NYPD to do to address this?”  Adams responded,” This is a national problem.” (Yeah, in Democrat hellholes). Adams continues, “I personally think that social media has played a role in spreading this, you know, of having people walk in with shopping carts, you know, and just really stealing whatever they want.”

Mayor Adams might say from time to time, unlike his Democrat City Council counterparts, that he is pro law and order, but he isn’t a serious person. He blames social media for crime. City Council blames the victims.


Image: NYPD Car racing in New York by Gianandrea Villa is licensed under