Biden Admin Using Charities, Non-Profits to Hide Cost of Border Crisis

The Biden administration has conspired with an array of charities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as part of an effort to hide the cost of the humanitarian crisis at the southern border, according to a report from The New York Post.

The report found that the White House has relied on NGOs, some of which present themselves as charities or religiously affiliated nonprofits, to provide shelter, food, and transportation resources to migrants. While these NGOs are partly funded by private donations, a significant percentage of their funding comes from American taxpayers. One of the mentioned organizations is Catholic Charities, a prominent NGO with operations across America and around the world.

Such findings have raised concerns about the hidden cost of the current border crisis and the role of organizations in covering it up. A recent report from the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project found that the said NGOs provide services in 431 out of 435 congressional districts across the country.

Dozens of Republican officials and lawmakers have called for the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his failure to effectively handle the crisis, although any attempts to do so will likely stall in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

However, their control of the House of Representatives will allow the party aggressive to initiate aggressive oversight of Biden, Mayorkas, and other Democratic officials and agents who continue to perpetuate the crisis.

Meanwhile, the DHS is requesting $1 billion for various NGO programs, which are reportedly acting as the final link in a transnational human-smuggling operation with cartels and offering transportation to any location within the mainland U.S. to those who pay to be smuggled across the border.

Image: Title: Border Crisis