The Long, Brutal Biden Winter

Sunday marked the official end of winter and the first day of Spring. It happens every year but this spring has added significance. This year’s seasonal shift not only symbolizes the revival of nature, but also the survival of the unvaccinated.  Back in December Joe Biden assured the American people that “we are looking at a winter […]

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  • 03/02/2023

Sunday marked the official end of winter and the first day of Spring. It happens every year but this spring has added significance. This year’s seasonal shift not only symbolizes the revival of nature, but also the survival of the unvaccinated.  Back in December Joe Biden assured the American people that “we are looking at a winter […]

Sunday marked the official end of winter and the first day of Spring. It happens every year but this spring has added significance. This year’s seasonal shift not only symbolizes the revival of nature, but also the survival of the unvaccinated. 

Back in December Joe Biden assured the American people that “we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated.” Well, winter is now behind us and so is the cacophony of useless mandates and the daily condemnation of the unvaxxed; at least for now. 

Tony Fauci recently emerged from the witness protection program to appear on CNN and warn the American people that the U.S. could see the return of COVID restrictions in the near future.

COVID hysteria and mandates may very well be resuscitated in the near future if it proves advantageous for the Democrats. But at least for now, the zealots of the COVID cult seem content to take a hiatus; instead using the Russia-Ukraine conflict to deflect blame from the Biden administration’s destructive policies, which are responsible for soaring inflation and gas prices. 

As gas prices soar, Biden doubles down on his war against American energy production and turns to our enemies for aid.

As inflation rises and tens of millions of Americans are forced into poverty, Biden proposes more inflationary printing of money.

The truth is, while flowers will begin to bloom and mother nature will once again thrive, America will not. America will continue to decay because under the Biden Administration, America is stuck in perpetual winter.

The Biden winter has brought severe illness and death just as Biden promised, but Biden, rather than COVID is responsible.

Just last August, 13 American service members were murdered in Afghanistan. It was one of the deadliest days for American forces in the past decade. Never forget how Biden checked his watch in boredom as he attended the transfer ceremony of these murdered marines. 

Their deaths under Biden’s watch were largely forgotten until congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) reminded Biden in the middle of his SOTU address. The Biden winter is so replete with calamity that it is nearly impossible to recall the misery of yesterday lest one ignore the misery of today.

Last September, American border patrol agents were reprimanded and put on ‘desk duty’ by Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas after being falsely accused of whipping illegal migrants. What became of them? What was their fate?

We know what became of Matthew Perna. Perna, whose only ‘crime’ was walking into the Capitol building on January 6th, committed suicide after the Justice Department delayed his sentencing and announced it would seek more prison time. Perna had faced up to 20 years in prison for taking photographs inside the capitol.

Meanwhile, Jussie Smollett walks free, after serving less than a week of his 150-day sentence for staging a hate crime and lying to police.

The longer the cold, brutal Biden winter goes on, the harder it becomes to remember the warmth of the Trump years. The peace, stability, and economic boom we enjoyed under the Trump administration has been replaced with instability, war, and economic hardship under the Biden Administration.

Trump brokered historic peace deals in the Middle East. Biden invites Russia to negotiate a pathway to a nuclear-armed Iran on his behalf, even as Russia threatens the United States with cyber-attacks and continues its invasion of Ukraine.

Under Trump China purchased record amounts of American crude oil. Under Biden, America purchases record amounts of Russian crude oil.

Under Trump, the United States gained 7 million new jobs. Under Biden, America has yet to regain the jobs lost to the Democratic Party led shutdown of our economy.

Trump implored Democrat Governors to open up their states’ economies. Biden condemned Republican Governors, who opened up their states’ economies.

Under Trump, middle class family income increased nearly $6,000. Under Biden, that increase has been erased by Biden inflation.

When Trump was president the media ignored Trump’s successes and invented failures. Since Biden has been President the media has ignored Biden’s failures and invented successes.

Trump was falsely accused of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election. Biden actually colluded with the media to steal the 2020 election.

The media covered the Trump-Russia collusion hoax as if it was real. The media denounced the Hunter Biden laptop and stories of Joe Biden’s corruption because it was real.

The warmth of the Trump years was cut short prematurely. We had it so good but the media told us it was so bad. Now that it’s so bad, the media tells us it’s so good.

We mustn’t forget the joy of the Trump years and we mustn’t accept the suffering of the Biden years. The memory of better days gives us hope and the memory of the victims of the Biden winter gives us the conviction and determination we need to fight.

While man isn’t responsible for changing weather, Joe Biden and the Democrats are responsible for changing America. The long brutal winter of the Biden presidency can and must end.

As former Congresswoman Nan Hayworth says, “Vote every Democrat out.” Only then may we see the sun again.

Drew Allen is the host of “The Drew Allen Show” podcast. He is a Texas-bred, California-based and millennial author, columnist, and political analyst. His work can be read and seen and heard at

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