Instead of securing the border, the Department of Homeland Security will spend nearly half a million dollars building a security fence around Joe Biden’s Delaware beach property.
As reported by Just the News, a contract at stipulates the “purchase and installation of security fencing” at Biden’s beach house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
The total amount of the contract runs around $450,000, and the fence is expected to be finished by the end of December.
The beach house barrier comes as the southern border crisis continues to escalate. Most recently, thousands of migrants have formed an organized caravan in southern Mexico and are heading straight toward the United States.
The caravan, which just left the city of Tapachula - located near the Guatemalan border - contains over 2,000 people from South and Central America as well as Haiti. Caravaners were required to sign up to join via a QR code circulating on social media.
Many of the migrants have been seen carrying American flags and signs with Biden’s name on them, as reported by BizPacReview.