House Approves $1 Billion in Funding for Israel’s Iron Dome

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  • 03/02/2023

The House of Representatives approved $1 billion in funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system Thursday, despite opposition from progressives. 

The final bipartisan vote was 420 to 9 with two democrats voting “present.” Eight liberal democrats and one republican voted against it.

Democratic Reps. Andre Carson, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Marie Newman, Ayanna Pressley, Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, Raul Grijalva and Cori Bush, as well as republican Rep. Thomas Massie, voted no, per Just the News.

Reps. Hank Johnson and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voted “present.” 

As reported by The Hill, funding for the dome, which is designed to help Israel defend itself from rocket attacks, has long received bipartisan support. Democrats in the House Appropriations Committee stressed that the funding is strictly for defensive purposes and cannot be used for procurement of offensive weapons. 

“As we continue to stand up for a two-state solution that achieves peace, security and hope and opportunity for both Israelis and Palestinians, we vigorously, strongly, unshakably stand for Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorism,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a democrat, said. 

The Senate is expected to consider the standalone funding bill at a later date. 

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