Fathers of Slain Marines Blast Biden for Checking Watch, Poor Behavior During Meeting With Families

The fathers of two U.S. Marines killed in the ISIS suicide bombings blasted Joe Biden for his poor behavior during a meeting with the families.  Mark Schmitz and Darin Hoover, the fathers of Marine Jared Schmitz and Marine Darin Taylor Hoover Jr., expressed their discontent with Biden on Hannity Monday evening, per Just the News.  […]

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  • 03/02/2023

The fathers of two U.S. Marines killed in the ISIS suicide bombings blasted Joe Biden for his poor behavior during a meeting with the families.  Mark Schmitz and Darin Hoover, the fathers of Marine Jared Schmitz and Marine Darin Taylor Hoover Jr., expressed their discontent with Biden on Hannity Monday evening, per Just the News.  […]


The fathers of two U.S. Marines killed in the ISIS suicide bombings blasted Joe Biden for his poor behavior during a meeting with the families. 

Mark Schmitz and Darin Hoover, the fathers of Marine Jared Schmitz and Marine Darin Taylor Hoover Jr., expressed their discontent with Biden on Hannity Monday evening, per Just the News. 

Hoover declined to even meet with the president, saying he didn't want [Biden] anywhere near [them].” 

Schmitz, on the other hand, decided to take the meeting, but said Biden spent more time focused on his own late son, Beau Biden, more than he did Jared. 

“Initially, I wasn’t going to meet with him,” Schmitz said. “But then I felt I owed it to my son to at least have some words with him about how I felt - and it didn’t go well.” 

Hoover said that the one viral photo didn’t tell the entire story. Biden actually checked his watch each time a casket was taken off the plane. 

“That didn’t happen just once,” Hoover said. “It happened on every single one that came out of that airplane. It happened on every single one of them. They would release the salute, and he would look down at his watch on every last one, all 13, he looked down at his watch.” 

Schmitz confirmed that he also saw Biden check his watch several times throughout the ceremony. 

“I leaned into my son’s mother’s ear and I said, ‘I swear to God if he checks his watch one more time,’ and that was probably only four times in. I couldn’t look at him anymore after that,” Schmitz said. 

“As a father, seeing that and the disrespect, and hearing from his former leaders, one of [Taylor’s] master sergeants said...that this was avoidable, that they left them over there. They had them over there and let them down, and we can’t have that. It can’t ever happen again,” Hoover said.

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