Charlie Kirk: Time To Stand Up for Tucker.

Attempts to cancel the Fox News host for speaking the truth must be rebuked.

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  • 03/02/2023

Attempts to cancel the Fox News host for speaking the truth must be rebuked.


Once again, my friend Tucker Carlson is under attack. This time, it is for saying something that is factually true and quite mainstream, as well as something he didn’t say at all. In this latest iteration of let’s get Tucker, the subject of the attack includes illegal immigration, voting rights, Democrat motives, and a bizarre conspiracy construct called “white replacement theory.”

The reaction to Tucker’s statement was swift and predictable, notably by writers from the Washington Post, where it seems they have an editorial page dedicated to hit pieces on Tucker Carlson.

On his Fox News show last Thursday (the top-rated show on cable news), Tucker was engaged in conversation with the equally brilliant Mark Steyn, author of America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It. The topic? Illegal immigration and the crisis that supposedly isn’t a crisis at our southern border. During a segment of the interview that ran for about a minute and fifty seconds, Tucker made some statements that were incontestably true, while at the same time guaranteed to grab the attention of the vigilant “hate watchers” on Team Left who spend 24 hours a day looking for anything said by any prominent conservative that can be twisted and distorted into something it wasn’t.

Tucker made the argument that Democrats were encouraging the entry of illegal immigrants into this country for the purpose of permanently altering the voting base and ensuring perpetual election victories. He pointed out that they were treating illegal migrants at the border better than they are treating our own citizens, using as an example a hypothetical of a family of children who suddenly saw their parents adopt new kids and give them shiny bikes, extra help with their homework, and a larger allowance. The original kids might (and do) wonder what is going on.

Tucker specifically said this is not about “white replacement theory,” but a voting rights question. He pointed out somewhat axiomatically that when new voters enter an area the votes of those already in the area become diluted (e.g., instead of one out of one hundred votes, a voter might represent one out of two hundred votes). Anyone who has ever invested in a business knows about the problem of dilution. A cut in ownership percentage is only acceptable if the value of the overall investment continues to increase after dilution.

In America today, as we continue to move away from natural law and natural rights toward a more collectivist model, it is difficult to argue that the “enterprise value” of America is increasing as a result of letting more people into this country.

The reaction to Tucker’s statement was swift and predictable, notably by writers from the Washington Post, where it seems they have an editorial page dedicated to hit pieces on Tucker Carlson. While opinion pieces do not by definition have to be held to the same factual standards as do pure news stories, some of the opinion pieces appearing in WAPO relating to Tucker are supported by fewer facts than reports of alien sightings at Roswell.

[caption id="attachment_188215" align="aligncenter" width="1920"]Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson.[/caption]

WAPO writer Phillip Bump, in a piece titled “Tucker Carlson’s espousal of white 'replacement' theory is both toxic and ahistoric,” started by sharing some esoteric story about a fellow named “Lombardi” (not the football coach), and then went on to write this: “It hopefully goes without saying that this rhetoric is dangerous and toxic. It should also be noted that it is also ahistoric and ignorant. The reason that people get agitated by claiming that ‘the people who live here’—mostly White people—are being ‘replaced’ is that this is a central tenet of white nationalist rhetoric.”

Of course, he had no interest in being logical, simply in virtue signaling and inventing and pushing a false narrative about Tucker...

If Bump were a student in a logic class, he would get an “F” for the above paragraph. Of course, he had no interest in being logical, simply in virtue signaling and inventing and pushing a false narrative about Tucker and anyone else of prominence who calls out Democrats for doing what they are obviously doing: stacking the voting deck to ensure future victories.

Three days later, in another WAPO opinion piece using the headline “Tucker Carlson shows what mass-marketed racism looks like,” Michael Gerson wrote the following:

“Nearly every phrase of Carlson’s statement is the euphemistic expression of white-supremacist replacement doctrine. ‘The Democratic Party’ means liberals, which translates into Jews. They are importing ‘new people’ from the ‘Third World’ means people with black and brown skin. Those kinds of people, in the racist trope, are ‘obedient,’ meaning docile, backward, and stupid. Their votes do not constitute real democracy because they are replacing the ‘current electorate’—which is presumably whiter and less docile. These paler, truer Americans are thus deprived of their birthright of political dominance. And fighting back—making sure the new Third World people have less power—becomes a defense of the American way.”

I don’t use this term lightly. What Michael Gerson wrote is simply insane. It also has the added feature of being a complete lie with regard to what Tucker said.

Finding himself under relentless attack for telling the truth in a powerful way, Tucker took to the air on Monday night and, instead of doing what has been all too common of late and trying to beg for mercy from a merciless, unprincipled mob of anti-American activists, he doubled down.

In a scathing rebuke to his critics, Tucker questioned why there was so much vitriol and so many lies being spread about his comments. He wondered why, if you disagree with someone, you can’t simply point out the errors and make a factual counterpoint. He then provided the answer: In this case, the Democrats and their activist backers don’t want you to know what they are up to. Carlson said:

Demographic change is the key to the Democratic Party's political ambitions. Let's say that again for emphasis, because it is the secret to the entire immigration debate: Demographic change is the key to the Democratic Party's political ambitions. In order to win and maintain power. Democrats plan to change the population of the country. They're no longer trying to win you over with their program. They're obviously not trying to improve your life. They don't even really care about your vote anymore. Their goal is to make you irrelevant.”

This is the key. It is very clear to Tucker, to me, and to many Americans that what the Democrat party is trying to do is exactly what our founding fathers sought to prevent them from doing. It was our founders’ intention that voters would choose their leaders, not that the leaders would choose their voters. Democrats are actively engaged in the process of trying to stuff the voters so those voters can, in turn, stuff the ballot boxes. This is as un-American as it gets, and it needs to have a bright light shone upon it for all to see. Tucker Carlson is that bright light.

[caption id="attachment_188216" align="aligncenter" width="1920"]Undocumented migrants wearing "Biden please let us in" shirts. Undocumented migrants wearing "Biden please let us in" shirts.[/caption]

White Replacement Theory,” also called “White Genocide Theory,” is this strange nonsensical notion that certain collections of powerful groups or individuals—typically identified as being Jewishare orchestrating a strategy to mix white races with other races of color to ultimately eliminate “whiteness” as a race. This anti-Semitic tripe is taken seriously only by non-serious people and by people who want to find ways to accuse conservatives of saying and believing things they never said and don’t believe.

As a matter of principle, I believe any nation should be able to protect its citizens and its identity. Pity Mr. Greenblatt isn’t able to stand on principles.

One such person is Anti-Defamation League (ADL) chief Jonathan Greenblatt, who wasted no time in attacking Carlson for his comments and demanding that Carlson be fired by Fox. In sharing his thoughts, Greenblatt just simply outright lied. His Twitter feed makes it seem like Carlson outright and openly endorsed White Replacement Theory. Sorry, Comrade Greenblatt, Tucker actually did just the opposite. Then again, why let facts get in the way of a perfectly good narrative.

As an aside, I’d like to point out that Mr. Greenblatt’s own ADL issued a statement that any sort of bi-nation or one-state solution to the problems in the Middle East would lead to the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state. I agree. As a matter of principle, I believe any nation should be able to protect its citizens and its identity. Pity Mr. Greenblatt isn’t able to stand on principles.

It is critical for the conservative world to rally behind Tucker Carlson at this moment and not let him be canceled by those who want his very loud and impactful voice to be silenced. For now, Fox News is standing behind him. We cannot only hope their position holds; we must demand it.

The Democrats want to permit millions of people to enter this country to dilute your vote and fundamentally change America forever. Those people are showing up at our border en masse wearing “Biden Please let Us In” t-shirts. Imagine if they were wearing “Make America Great Again” baseball caps. Would the Democrats be so willing to let them enter for “humanitarian reasons?” This is not an act of compassion, and it is not being a good world citizen. It is a deliberate vote-gathering effort.

By the way, here’s a question the Washington Post could investigate: Just exactly who is paying for, making, and providing those Biden t-shirts?

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