‘IS THIS THING ON?’ Parler’s website back online after Big Tech blackout hiatus

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  • 03/02/2023

Parler was an app born in reaction to the hundreds of thousands of conservative accounts that were censored, shut down or permanently banned by the Big Tech conglomerate. 

It quickly became the platform for open forum and freedom of speech in the truest form. 

That is, until Apple, Google and other Big Tech giants banned it from their app stores because of its explosive surge in users. 

Parler’s website, however, reappeared online Sunday with a message from its CEO, John Matze: “Hello world, is this thing on?” 

So, Parler must have found another hosting service after Amazon Web Services removed the website from its services. 

Matze also issued a temporary status update, the Epoch Times reports. 

“Now seems like the right time to remind you all - both lovers and haters - why we started this platform,” he wrote. “We believe privacy is paramount and free speech essential, especially on social media. Our aim has always been to provide a nonpartisan public square where individuals can enjoy and exercise their right to both. We will resolve any challenge before us and plan to welcome all of you back soon. We will not let civil discourse perish!” 

Parler is not the only place conservatives are flocking to after Big Tech went down every avenue to squelch the sharing of their less-popular ideas: Gab, Telegram, Signal, Rumble, MeWe and CloutHub have all seen exponential growth. 

Gab received 1.7 million new sign ups in just four days, an 800% jump in traffic to the website, forcing its CEO to order emergency servers to support the new flood of activity, NPR reports. 

Telegram also received a whopping 25 million new sign ups in just a few days. 

Despite the attempts to silence the right, or anyone with independent thoughts, conservative figureheads are finding ways to take their voice and followers to other platforms. Charlie Kirk, a leading voice in the conservative movement, is making a name for himself on Parler, Rumble, and Telegram.

The platform is just a vehicle for the message, and this group is resilient and will find an alternate route. 

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