‘Nazi’ Is All The Left Now Knows.

British MP David Lammy has compared Brexiteers to Nazis again, but he may be projecting...

  • by:
  • 09/21/2022

During a recent interview with the BBC, British Member of Parliament David Lammy (Labour) indulged himself in a bizarre outburst on the subject of the responsibility of Brexiteers within the Conservative Party, notably Boris Johnson and the European Research Group.

As the conversation moves forward, Lammy becomes agitated, his veneer of composure descending rapidly into incoherent rambling intricately laced with the words ‘Nazi’, ‘Fascist’ and ‘White Supremacist’.

The Hungarian-American atheist once told 60 Minutes he had no regrets over collaborating with National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party foot-soldiers in his early life.

Lammy repeatedly labels ‘Brexiteers’ as ‘far-right’. He audaciously and risibly labels Boris Johnson – a man avowedly on the liberal spectrum of the party – as a ‘white supremacist’.

Such terms are often used to discredit moderate conservatives and classic liberals.

'Far-right’ is usually bandied about with the lazy implication of collective responsibility for anything ranging from genocide to 'hate speech', but in this instance Lammy would've made even the most hyperbolic of cultural Marxists proud.

Meanwhile, the 'Fair Vote Project' and 'Best For Britain' – both anti-Brexit projects funded by George Soros’ Open Society – perhaps boast the most compelling linkages to Nazism: Soros himself.

The Hungarian-American atheist once told 60 Minutes he had no regrets over collaborating with National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party foot-soldiers in his early life:

For the morally bankrupt likes of Lammy, this has no bearing.

Lammy uses race-baiting as a cudgel, rather than a principle. And one can see why such low rent characters need to.

His collectivist remarks in relation to Nazism and fascism make him guilty of something to which he claims to be vehemently opposed.

His persistent self-owning over the years include his bizarre appearance on the television show Mastermind, wherein he proceeded to answer precisely zero questions correctly, and even having to be corrected by the editor of this parish, Raheem Kassam, on basic British history regarding who closed more coal pits: Thatcher (Conservative) or Wilson (Labour). It was Wilson.

And true to form he's owned himself again.

[caption id="attachment_13323" align="alignnone" width="1280"] David Lammy speaks at a pro-EU event, March 2017 (Creative Commons)[/caption]

Lammy's repeated invocation of race by definition identifies a singular characteristic of an individual and then applies it to the whole group as if it were homogenous. His collectivist remarks in relation to Nazism and fascism make him guilty of something to which he claims to be vehemently opposed.

"At the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left."

The radical left is currently on a make-or-break mission to censor the conservative, right leaning media.

We have seen individuals like Tommy Robinson and Alex Jones repeatedly de-platformed for exercising nothing but speech.

Lammy seems to take on the role of speech officer during his BBC interview, grilling the publicly-funded body on why it gives a "platform" to right-wing views he disagrees with.

Most people will recognize the BBC is a self-confessed left-leaning, liberal entity.

"In my view, ‘bias’ is too blunt a word to describe the subtleties of the ­pervading culture. The better word is a ‘mindset’. At the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left," said 20-year-long BBC host Peter Sissons in 2011.

[caption id="attachment_13329" align="alignnone" width="3108"] Official portrait of Mr David Lammy[/caption]

If Lammy truly stood against totalitarianism, he would support all sides being given broadcast time on state media outlets. To not allow the right to speak is the very definition of fascism. As Mussolini noted: “Nothing against the state!”

"I will never back down from calling out links to the extreme right".

His comments can only lead to further division between ‘Brexiteers’ and ‘Remainers’, fostering an ‘Us Vs Them’ mentality which serves a breeding ground for populism – left and right.

Fortunately for now, Lammy’s words were condemned by many on his own side, with support coming from unusual places.

The hardline anti-Brexit radio host James O'Brien and the Guardian newspaper felt the language used was extreme, and said so.

But Lammy refuses to apologize: "I will never back down from calling out links to the extreme right".

The latest attempts by the radical leftist Remainers, would be, if things were the other way round, tantamount to ‘hate speech’.

When Brexit activist James Goddard called Remainer Member of Parliament Anna Soubry a Nazi, he was arrested and handed a control order demanding he not set foot in Westminster, nor the constituency Ms. Soubry represents.

No such penalty for Mr. Lammy.

Why is it that the left can speak freely, but the right cannot?

Because the individuals running this country will do anything to silence ‘Brexiteers’ and use its ‘Remainer’-dominated parliament and cabinet as well as the media to tarnish our image by reducing the debate to hypocritical extremes.

Godwin’s Law is no longer a satirical view of the rush to the bottom by people on the internet. It is the left's new playbook.

Britain – while all this continues – has become a laughing stock on the world stage, with the childish barbs from the left serving to underscore the negative view of which our world peers have of our nation.

Thanks, David.



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