How about amnesty for legal immigrants?

Billions of people would like to live in America. At this moment some 4 million people are patiently following the rules, filling out the paperwork, paying the fees, and getting interviews in order to get their chance to immigrate to America legally. These 4 million, however, have no interest group supporting their plight.  Aliens who […]

  • by:
  • 08/21/2022

Billions of people would like to live in America.

At this moment some 4 million people are patiently following the rules, filling out the
paperwork, paying the fees, and getting interviews in order to get their
chance to immigrate to America legally.

These 4 million, however, have no interest group supporting their
plight.  Aliens who cut in line are depriving millions of other
people of their dream. Most of those legal immigrants are people of color.

Not answered is a fundamental injustice.

What does “comprehensive immigration” mean?

Is there a single thought about accelerating the applications of the
folks who are patiently and legally waiting in line?

My wife is Korean-American and immigrated here 35 years ago.  It took
her several years to go through the paperwork and get an interview in
Asia for permission to enter the United States.   When her mother earned her visa she  immediately
set up a new business to support themselves and paid Michelle’s  out-of-state
college tuition in cash. Not once did this family seek or want government welfare.

Other members of Michelle’s family had to wait over 10 years for
permission to live in America.

Migrants who play legally tend to have superior education, enhanced
cultural values and assimilate into the U.S. mainstream much more easily
than illegal immigrants.

For example, most Asian-American immigrants presently enjoy higher
education, better jobs, more intact families, less crime and longer
marriages than the average native-born American.

Why is that?

One strong reason is that it takes a person with superior skills to go
through the legal immigration process and by the time they get to America,
they are ready to become successful. Very few of these immigrants wind
up on street corners begging for tough jobs.

If Congress is to do anything “comprehensive” , it is clear that our
legislators must consider national security and the rights of legal
immigrants ahead of any such discussion about those who entered the
country illegally.

Until Congress addresses those two key issues, there can be no real
comprehensive immigration reform.

Shawn Steel

California Republican Party National Committeeman

Republican National Committee



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