KRAYDEN: Robert Kennedy, Jr’s presidential run is a threat to the woke progressive thought police controlling the Democratic Party

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination. He’s entering the race with 14 percent support. That’s good news for common sense political dialogue. It’s bad news for the Orwellian thought police who are running the Democratic Party.

Kennedy, the son of the late political icon Robert F. Kennedy, Sr, who served as attorney general and as a senator from New York before being assassinated, was a guest on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight last week. He was on the top-rated show on cable news to discuss his decision to run.

And you know what? It was a great discussion. 

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The presidential incumbent has not officially announced his candidacy, but Biden has already said he will be running – as he leaned on a little girl with all the elegance of a drunken in-law during the annual White House Easter egg roll. As if we needed more evidence that Biden should not even be running for dog-catcher in backwater Delaware, Biden furnished us with more evidence.

That Carlson would ask for Kennedy to appear on his show, or that Kennedy would accept, demonstrates just how the political discourse in America has changed. Kennedy was once known for suggesting climate change “deniers” should be tossed in jail. Now, because of his vehement opposition to COVID-19 vaccine and the mandatory application of it to hundreds of thousands of people, the Democratic Party establishment considers Kennedy a political pariah – and “vaccine nut” according to Carlson – whose views are unacceptable, extreme, and dangerous. 

For cancel culture, that’s the very definition of misinformation.

Kennedy clearly represents a white hole for the Democratic Party that, unlike a black hole, doesn’t suppress the light but sucks in the darkness. This is inherent in all those meaningless talking points that have become a political staple for Democrats and everybody who doesn’t care whether their words have any meaning. He should also embarrass the windbags in the Republican Party who continue to send taxpayer's money to Ukrainian oligarchs who are enriching themselves from a war that the United States insists upon feeding.

Carlson has pointed out that Kennedy’s run is similar to his father’s decision to oppose Democratic President Lyndon Johnson in the 1968 presidential election. That’s true to a point: Johnson was adamant about fighting a war in Vietnam that many in the Democratic base were beginning to oppose. Robert Kennedy, Sr., like his son today, had gone through a political evolution and he was daring to question the establishment that he had always been a part of.

But that’s about where the similarity ends. Johnson had managed a spectacular series of legislative triumphs in Congress that included the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Unlike Biden, who has overseen domestic and foreign policy catastrophes, Johnson had a record to defend and plenty of mental acuity to demonstrate.

Biden has neither – but you can bet he will stay immersed in the deep denial and ego-cenrtric thinking that urges him to seek a second presidential mandate, even if 73 percent of Americans don’t want him to run.

Biden and the Democrats fear Kennedy because he is making a lot of sense. As has been the case with all-star feminist Naomi Wolf, some stalwart liberals are showing the courage to care more for the basic fundamentals of the Constitution than their popularity with the woke crowd.

It is worth listening to Kennedy’s words, because he doesn’t sound like a lot of Democrats seeking office these days. I’ve selected two interviews: one with Carlson and the second conducted Saturday with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto.

Kennedy told Carlson that the theme of his presidential announcement speech was “this corrupt merger of state and corporate power … which is turning our country into a corporate kleptocracy … into a cushy socialism for the rich and that's kind of brutal merciless capitalism for the poor.”

“It keeps us in a state of war.” Kennedy said the Biden administration is fond of bailing out banks while it cuts food stamps for 30 million people by 90 percent. “It took 15 million people off of Medicare the same month it gave 300 million dollars to the Silicon Valley Bank and topped up the cost of the Ukraine war to $113 billion.”

Kennedy noted that while the US is doling out money to Ukraine and failed banks, it has done so by printing “10 centuries of money in the last 14 years,” creating inflation in the process, which is “a tax on the poor” that has increased the price of “basic foods like chicken, dairy and milk by 76 percent.”

“Our democracy is devolving into a kind of corporate plutocracy.”

Okay, you may not get excited about food stamps, but isn’t it nice to hear a Democrat at least acknowledge that large portions of the population have trouble making ends meet? And I don’t mean the boards of directors of banks who are rewarded by the federal government for their fiscal incompetence. The Biden administration is loathe to discuss how much the cost of living has increased since they commenced burying the country in worthless money. 

Think of it for a minute: wouldn’t you rather keep people from starving than send the money to Ukrainian clowns like Volodymyr Zelensky. who insist they will resist Russia with the last American dollar and last Ukrainian conscript?

Kennedy described the inhumanity of the Ukraine war in his interview with Cavuto.

“Nobody talks about this: there's 14,000 Ukrainian civilians who have died,” he said, noting that “the Russians are killing Ukrainians at a seven-to-one to eight-to-one ratio.”

“They can’t sustain this. What we're being told about this war is just not true.”

And you had better believe that the Biden administration and their Republican supporters in the House and Senate know it’s not true, but just haven’t yet found a war that they don’t want to finance – even when it is bringing us inexorably, day by day, closer to a nuclear conflict.

Kennedy described his values. And that summation was telling as well.

“The values that I'm talking about are just Constitutional values, you know, that we ought to have free speech in this country … that we ought to have, you know, freedom of bodily autonomy … that if you work hard, if you play by the rules, you ought to be able to get ahead,” he said, noting that in Biden’s America, the rich have “special advantages.”

“We've turned this country into this corporate kleptocracy where the wealth is being strip-mined from the middle class and poor.”

So far, I’ve yet to hear Kennedy bellyache about the plight of biological males who want to pretend to be women and compete in female sports. He hasn’t suggested women don’t have access to an abortion in America since the issue has been sent to the states. And no, he’s not relentlessly punching the race card and suggesting white supremacists are lynching black Americans at every opportunity. 

What can it be? Is he in touch with real Americans who are being overwhelmed by real financial issues such as poverty?

Kennedy’s candidacy will inject more than a little political sanity and common sense into the Democratic race. You can bet the liberal elites who run that party and have disowned Kennedy as a traitor to his political class will do everything and anything to smear him and eradicate his candidacy.

And Kennedy may even inject sanity into the Republican position on the Ukraine-Russia war so they carry out a common sense pivot and start pushing for negotiated peace and move to cut off the industrial war machine tap and financial spigot to Zelensky.

Image: Title: Kennedy Jr.


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