JOHN MAC GHLIONN: Medical malpractice poses an existential threat to Americans

When identity politics and political correctness become the pillars of medical training, evidence-based care takes a back seat.

When identity politics and political correctness become the pillars of medical training, evidence-based care takes a back seat.

Since the late 1990s, over a million Americans have died from drug overdoses, with recent years claiming more than 100,000 lives annually—a tragedy that is both staggering and well-documented But there’s a deadlier, quieter killer at work: medical malpractice. Each year, 400,000 patients in the U.S. die because of it.

This is a crisis that eclipses the overdose epidemic, and it’s only going to get worse.

If you need convincing, take a look at the latest report from the medical watchdog group Do No Harm. But brace yourself—it’s not an easy read. While major corporations across the country are dialing back diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, universities, and especially top medical schools, are doubling down. These initiatives are thriving—more entrenched, more forceful, and more dangerous than ever before.


The report, aptly titled “Activism Instead of Anatomy,” exposes a disturbing shift where DEI initiatives overshadow rigorous scientific and medical education. At the heart of this crisis is a departure from objective, evidence-based training to ideologically charged content. Medical students are now subjected to courses that emphasize social and political doctrines over the foundational medical knowledge crucial for saving lives. This pivot compromises their preparedness, diluting the rigors of medical education and stripping future doctors of the skills they need to navigate complex, real-world medical challenges. This erosion of competency poses a serious threat to patient care.

American medical schools, once celebrated for producing the best and brightest, are rapidly losing that reputation. Many of these institutions now churn out activists masquerading as physicians. This is not a minor matter. We are talking about people who deal with life and death matters on a daily basis. They get to play God with our lives, and with the lives of our loved ones.

This is not OK. Shouldn’t we have a say? After all, these graduates could one day be operating on people reading this very piece.

As I write this, medical schools across the country are shifting their focus from recruiting the brightest high school students to checking diversity boxes. Their priority now is to attract black, Hispanic, and Native American students, reflecting an agenda-driven approach over academic merit. Hyper-left outlets like NPR may applaud this move,  but anyone with a functioning brain should be concerned. As we drift further from objective, scientific standards and plunge into unscientific, subjective “truths,” the medical field becomes a breeding ground for divisive ideologies. Training future doctors to prioritize identity markers over clinical facts breeds bias—even racism and misandry—under the guise of inclusivity. Future doctors are being subtly taught to see a white man’s life as less valuable than that of a Hispanic male or black woman. In the DEI caste-like system, white males are placed at the bottom, seen as the primary recipients of so-called unearned privilege.

Big Pharma, Bigger Problems

One of the report’s most alarming findings is the diversion of precious time and resources away from core medical subjects like anatomy and pathology toward DEI-driven coursework. Medical curricula are demanding enough, and these detours dilute their intensity, leaving graduates underprepared and patients at risk. The existential threat of medical malpractice looms larger as doctors, armed with ideological slogans but lacking solid clinical grounding, step into hospitals and clinics.

When identity politics and political correctness become the pillars of medical training, evidence-based care takes a back seat. For example, the report cites the fixation on “correct” language and politically charged topics like transgender health overshadowing patient-first approaches. Big Pharma, with its outsized influence, fuels the trans and gender-affirming craze, pushing hormone blockers and surgeries as profitable solutions. Future doctors aren’t just being indoctrinated—they’re being molded into professional drug pushers. Some readers might argue this has been the reality for years. Although that’s true, it’s far worse now than a decade or two ago, and it’s set to deteriorate even further.

Americans are sicker than ever. Rates of depression, anxiety, heart disease, and suicide are at unprecedented levels. To make matters worse, doctors are increasingly ill-prepared to offer real, effective care. This ideological infiltration into healthcare policy threatens every single area of patient care. A system that sacrifices meritocracy for ideological conformity endangers efficiency, safety, and ultimately, lives. DEI doesn’t just distort the selection process for medical school applicants; it churns out less competent doctors. The consequences are already clear. In this post-Covid world, public trust in the medical field has eroded, as it has become little more than a mouthpiece for left-wing activism.

The report’s conclusion couldn’t be clearer.

Medical schools must resist this ideological siege and return to their true mission—arming doctors with the knowledge and skills to save lives. Yet even if the DEI agenda were dismantled today, the fallout would persist for years. Curricula don’t change overnight. They take years to write and implement. In the meantime, more semi-delinquent doctors will graduate, and more patients will pay with their lives.

Image: Title: medical malpractice


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