More evidence Obamacare caused premiums to skyrocket

This article originally appeared on We have yet another study showing skyrocketing health insurance premiums due to Obamacare, this tiime courtesy of the site Without Subsidies Women & Men, Old & Young Average Higher Monthly Premiums with Obamacare …Average premium costs for 23-year-old women and men increased 44.9% and 78.2% respectively after the […]

  • by:
  • 08/21/2022

This article originally appeared on

We have yet another study showing skyrocketing health insurance premiums due to Obamacare, this tiime courtesy of the site

Without Subsidies Women & Men, Old & Young Average Higher Monthly Premiums with Obamacare

…Average premium costs for 23-year-old women and men increased 44.9% and 78.2% respectively after the ACA’s implementation. For 63-year-olds the increase was 37.5% for women and only 22.7% for men. Young men had the highest premium increase (78.2%) among the groups examined while senior men had the smallest increase (22.7%)…

Nothing new, of course.  But what I did find interesting was that older women have seen bigger premium hikes compared to older men. According to the study in 2013 women age 63 on average paid $539 per month for an individual policy, while men paid $603. In 2014, both paid an average of $741.

I wonder if all those politicians boasting that Obamacare ended the practice of insurance companies considering being a woman a “pre-existing condition” will remember to qualify their statement to explain that Obamacare only lowered premiums for younger women of childbearing age, while the law raised premiums for older women? Somehow I doubt it.



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