Poll: Obama supporters divided between radical Islam and Tea Party as top terrorist threat

Gullible people imbibe a toxic brew of propaganda and divisive politics.

  • by:
  • 08/21/2022

This is one of those times when the headline pretty much sums up the story.  The poll in question, from Rasmussen, shows what happens when a very gullible group of people is subjected to a toxic brew of propaganda and bitterly divisive politics for several years:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters consider radical Muslims to be the bigger threat to the United States today. Thirteen percent (13%) view the Tea Party that way, and another 13% consider other political and religious extremists to be the larger danger. Six percent (6%) point to local militia groups. Two percent (2%) see the Occupy Wall Street movement as the bigger terrorist threat. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

However, among those who approve of the president???s job performance, just 29% see radical Muslims as the bigger threat. Twenty-six percent (26%) say it???s the Tea Party that concerns them most. Among those who Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party than radical Muslims.

As for those who disapprove of Obama???s performance, 75% consider radical Muslims to be the bigger terrorist threat. Just one percent (1%) name the Tea Party.

The complete absence of any actual Tea Party terrorism evidently matters no more to these folks than the violent riots, and the occasional aborted bridge bombing, pulled off by the Occupy crowd.  Why, the Tea Party even cleans up after its rallies, unlike certain other demonstrators I can think of.



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