Homeland Security Now Armed With Enough Ammo for 24 Year Long Iraq War

Homeland Security is now armed with enough ammunition for a 24 year-long Iraq War. The government reportedly repositioned several of their Homeland Security ammunition containers recently. The containers (like those pictured) are usually painted olive drab and are unmarked except for indistinguishable numbers/letters probably for inventory, routing, etc. Investor’s Business Daily reported: In a puzzling, […]

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  • 08/21/2022

Homeland Security is now armed with enough ammunition for a 24 year-long Iraq War.

The government reportedly repositioned several of their Homeland Security ammunition containers recently.
ammo box
The containers (like those pictured) are usually painted olive drab and are unmarked except for indistinguishable numbers/letters probably for inventory, routing, etc.

Investor's Business Daily reported:

In a puzzling, unexplained development, the Obama administration has been buying and storing vast amounts of ammunition in recent months, with the Department of Homeland Security just placing another order for an additional 21.6 million rounds.

Several other agencies of the federal government also began buying large quantities of bullets last year. The Social Security Administration, for instance, not normally considered on the frontlines of anything but dealing with seniors, explained that its purchase of millions of rounds was for special agents' required quarterly weapons qualifications. They must be pretty poor shots.

But DHS has been silent about its need for numerous orders of bullets in the multiple millions. Indeed, Examiner writer Ryan Keller points out Janet Napolitano's agency illegally redacted information from some ammunition solicitation forms following media inquiries.

According to one estimate, just since last spring DHS has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. That's sufficient firepower to shoot every American about five times. Including illegal immigrants.

To provide some perspective, experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, DHS is armed now for a 24-year Iraq war.

Mark Levin told his audience the government is buying the vast amounts of ammo to prepare for the collapse of our financial system and our society.

Obama's Homeland Security Department has purchased 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition - that is not a typo - during the last six months.
atk ammo
ATK is one company that won a contract with the Department of Homeland Security to provide 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition in 2012.

Hat Tip Mara



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