When GOP Was in Charge California Was Golden – Now It’s a Poverty-Stricken Broke State

(Conservatively Speaking) Andrew Leonard at Salon wrote a piece this week titled, “The GOP’s horrible California nightmare.” The title of the piece should have been “California’s Democratic nightmare.” From the article: Before 1992, California had not given its electoral votes to a Democrat running for president since Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 electoral landslide. But in the […]

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  • 09/21/2022

(Conservatively Speaking)

Andrew Leonard at Salon wrote a piece this week titled, “The GOP’s horrible California nightmare.” The title of the piece should have been “California’s Democratic nightmare.”
From the article:

Before 1992, California had not given its electoral votes to a Democrat running for president since Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 electoral landslide. But in the early 1990s California became a majority-minority state, and since then the state has inexorably turned bluer and bluer (aided by ham-handed Republican legislation on immigration that profoundly alienated Hispanics). Only 30 percent of Californians are now registered Republicans, the lowest mark since record-keeping began. In 2012, every single statewide office belonged to Democrats, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein ran essentially unopposed. Arch-conservative Republican Dan Lungren was the state’s attorney general from 1991-1999. He lost his U.S. House of Representatives seat last night.

Of course, Leonard and Democrats cheer this news because maintaining power has always been the goal of Democrats.

And after thirty years of absolute Democrat control the once Golden State looks like this…
Today California has the highest poverty rate in the nation.
Deseret News reported:

California’s poverty rate of 23.5 percent is the highest of any state in the country, according to new information from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The Census Bureau worked with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to compile a Supplemental Poverty Measure, which factors in government programs to assist low-income people and families that aren’t included in official, income-based poverty measures that were developed in the early 1960s.

The new measure’s thresholds factor in the amount families spend on a basic goods including food, clothing, shelter and utilities and a small additional amount to allow for other needs such as household supplies, personal care items and non-work-related transportation. It’s adjusted to factor in geographical differences in housing costs, and also includes resources beyond income, such as nutrition assistance, subsidized housing, and home energy credits.

The nearest three-year (2009 to 2011) poverty rate to California’s is the District of Columbia with 23.2 percent. The next-highest poverty rate for a state is Arizona at 19.8 percent.

And in 2011 California was the second brokest state. Only Illinois is more broke.

But Democrats see this as success. California is on the path to Third Worldism and Democrats cheer. After all, they’re in charge and that’s what matters. And now Obama wants to turn the rest of the country into California.



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