Rove: The Lessons of Defeat for the GOP

Everything from the ground game to the date of the next convention needs to be re-examined.

  • by:
  • 08/21/2022

The GOP is undergoing the type of re-examination that occurs whenever a party loses. That useful exercise should be guided by facts. Here is some of what we know.

The media's postelection narrative is that Democrats won because of a demographic shift. There is some truth to that, but a more accurate description is that Democrats won in a smaller turnout by getting out more of their vote.

Turnout dropped by 7.9 million voters, falling to 123.6 million this year from 131.5 million in 2008. This is the first decline in a presidential election in 16 years. Only 51.3% of the voting-age population went to the polls.

To continue reading this post by Karl Rove, click here to go to the Wall Street Journal.



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