Teresa Heinz Kerry’s Philanthropy Empire

Mrs. John F. Kerry, runs a few philantropic organizations. Where to they put their money?

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  • 03/02/2023

Teresa Heinz Kerry is the widow of the late Pennsylvania Senator and ketchup heir H. John Heinz III. She is the current wife of presidential candidate and Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry (D.). And she is a member of the board of three Heinz foundations that altogether are worth more than a billion dollars. Annual tax reports (IRS Form 990) show that Teresa Kerry Heinz is:

  • Chairman of board of the Heinz Family Foundation. With assets of $69 million in 2002, it made grants that year of $4.8 million.
  • Chairman of board of the Howard Heinz Endowment. It had assets of $773.3 million and made grants of $43.7 million in 2002.
  • Member of the board of directors of the Vira I. Heinz Endowment. Its 2002 assets were $399.2 million and it made grants of $17.9 million.

    That adds up to $1.24 billion in assets and $66.4 million in grants disbursed in 2002. One other fact: All three Heinz foundations make large grants to environmental pressure groups led by powerful persons who support her husband??¢â???¬â???¢s political ambitions.

    Howard Heinz Endowment - Established 1941

    Chairman: Teresa Heinz Kerry

    President: Maxwell King

    Assets: $773.3 million (2002)

    Grants: $43.7 million (2002)

    Key Grantees:

  • Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania: $800,000 (2003)
  • Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania: $900,000 (2002)
  • Environmental Defense: $200,000 (2003)
  • Clean Air Task Force: $150,000 (2003)
  • National Audubon Society: $150,000 (2002)

    Vira I. Heinz Endowment - Established 1986

    Chairman: James M. Walton

    President: Maxwell King

    Board of Directors Member: Teresa Heinz Kerry

    Assets: $399.2 million (2002)

    Grants: $17.9 million (2002)

    Key Grantees:

  • National Resources Defense Council: $50,000 (2003)
  • The Wilderness Society: $50,000 (2003)
  • Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania: $150,000 (2002)
  • Izaak Walton League: $150,000 (2002)
  • National Parks Conservation Association: $37,500 (2002)

    Heinz Family Foundation - Established 1984

    Chairman: Teresa Heinz Kerry

    President: Jeffrey R. Lewis

    Assets: $69 million (2002)

    Grants: $4.8 million (2002)

    Key Grantees (2001):

  • Brookings Institution: $45,000
  • League of Conservation Voters Education Fund: $10,000
  • Natural Resources Defense Council: $6,000
  • Environmental Defense: $1,000
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility: $1,000
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