RAW EGG NATIONALIST: Conservatives are more attractive; we can use that

Take one for the team.

Take one for the team.

Right wingers are more attractive than leftists. This truth, which we hold to be self-evident (see: Hope Hicks) has actually been verified by science. Would you believe it?

And it’s not just a lone study either. It’s quite a few.

One such paper was published in the Journal of Public Economics back in 2017, under the title “The right look: Conservative politicians look better and voters reward it.” Here’s what the paper’s abstract says.

“Since good-looking politicians win more votes, a beauty advantage for politicians on the left or on the right is bound to have political consequences. We show that politicians on the right look more beautiful in Europe, the United States and Australia.”

So far, so good.

“Our explanation is that beautiful people earn more, which makes them less inclined to support redistribution.”

Makes sense to me. Leftism is the politics of envy and all that.

“Our model of within-party competition predicts that voters use beauty as a cue for conservatism when they do not know much about candidates and that politicians on the right benefit more from beauty in low-information elections. Evidence from real and experimental elections confirms both predictions.”
Okay: so when all that voters have to go on is looks, they choose the best-looking candidate, and more often than not, that’s the candidate on the right. Kerching.

If that doesn’t sell it for you, well, here’s another paper from 2017. “Effects of physical attractiveness on political beliefs,” confirms that, in America at least, “more attractive individuals are more likely to report higher levels of political efficacy, identify as conservative, and identify as Republican.”

Even computers agree. In a Danish study published last year, AI was able to predict the political affiliation of male and female political candidates with a high degree of success, based solely on their attractiveness. More attractive: more chance of being on the right. So there.

But so what?

Well, attractiveness has its uses beyond attraction, and we right-wingers need all the help we can get these days.

Just look at what James O’Keefe is doing. Our handsome friend over at OMG, formerly of Project Veritas, need only don a pair of sexy nerd glasses and put on his best “come hither” face and gay libtards just melt and tell him everything he wants to know—and plenty more besides. For example, it’s how he got a senior male staffer to admit, over a large glass of wine, that the White House wants Kamala Harris gone and that Biden is definitely a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

We knew these things already, of course, but to hear them straight from the mouth of a White House official is a real embarrassment for the regime.

Kim Dot Com put it well in a Tweet. “Imagine what professional foreign spies can achieve when James O’Keefe, disguised with nothing but glasses and a homosexual demeanor, can get someone from the White House executive office with top security clearance to sing like a bird. And they didn’t even have sex yet.”


It’s not just gay staffers and trans DoD contractors anxious to talk about their “bottom surgery” who are dangerously susceptible to the charms of a clean-cut conservachad. Liberal women are too. And is it any wonder? They’ve spent decades henpecking and longhousing their men, discouraging them from all expressions of male potency. But the truth is, no woman really likes a man who sits down to pee or agrees to split the bill in the name of equity, and so they have to look elsewhere, beyond the ranks of their housetrained eunuchs, for a dose of real excitement.

An amusing story broke in Sweden last week. A young Swedish patriot by the name of Christian Peterson was able to seduce a famous leftist journalist and get her to spill the beans about her involvement in targeted harassment of members of the Swedish right. He even managed to get her to disclose the names of turncoats within the Swedish right who had been feeding her information. Peterson talks about the affair in detail on his Substack page.

Bilan Osman is the daughter of Somali parents and is most famous for her anti-racism activism. In the wake of the Summer of Floyd, she said she wanted to “start a conversation about whiteness” in Sweden. If you didn’t know already, that’s just code for saying you hate white people and want them to disappear.

Well, apparently not all white people, because Osman fell for Mr Peterson, who is very white. And she did so despite the misgivings of her colleagues on the Swedish left, who believed—rightly—that he was using her to gain information on their activities. Osman could now face jail for breaking Swedish laws on the confidentiality of personal information.

All this talk of seduction may strike you as distasteful, a bit churlish, but the truth is, like I said, the right needs all the help it can get today. The left uses every single advantage it has, including the right’s unwillingness to take its opponents at their word, to score political win after political win.

The right’s addiction to defeat is something that’s going to need to be shaken off, and fast. This depressing tendency was on full display in the response to the announcement of Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec’s new book Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How To Crush Them). Instead of rallying round the new book, which flew up the Amazon charts on the basis of preorders alone to become the 33rd most popular book among millions on the entire site, we heard the usual moans and groans from “sensible centrists” like James Lindsay.

Isn’t the title a bit much? Doesn’t calling communists “unhumans” dehumanise them, and isn’t that what the communists did to their opponents, as a prelude to enslaving and killing them? And so on, and so on.

Once again, defeat is snatched from the jaws of victory. Another struggle session about “decency” and “principles,” for the benefit of opponents who quite literally want to put us in camps and kill us—and will, given the chance. That includes you too, James. You’re literally conspiring in your own demise.

I’m not saying go out and look for leftists to seduce. Most of them don’t know anything useful anyway, and their ugliness will almost certainly prove too great a bar to coming within fifteen feet of them. But, gentlemen, if you do find yourself in a bar, in the wee hours, with a prominent leftist gazing into your eyes and telling you how she just can’t find a decent guy among all the soy-guzzling unhumans she spends her time with, and now she’s touching you and biting her lip… your chance to do a genuine political service might just have come. Grab it with both hands, I say.

Go on: take one for the team.

Image: Title: REN


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