UK hospital trust claims breast milk from trans-identified biological males is just as good for babies as female breast milk

A United Kingdom Hospitals NHS trust (USHT) claims that 'breast milk' produced by trans women who are biological males is just as good for babies as female breast milk.

This, as long as trans-identified biological males are loaded up with a combination of drugs "comparable to that produced following the birth of a baby," the University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (USHT) wrote in a letter, according to the Telegraph.

In order for a male to nurse, they must develop milk-producing glands by ingesting the hormone progestin.

Lactation in trans-identified biological males requires the use of a medicine, such as domperidone, which is frequently administered to women who have difficulty breastfeeding. The drug stimulates the production of prolactin, a distinct hormone that instructs the body to produce milk.

Domperidone, marketed under the brand name Motilum, was not originally developed for this purpose. However, physicians continue to prescribe it off-label, disregarding the manufacturer's recommendation against it due to potential adverse effects on the cardiovascular system of infants, per the outlet.

The warning label for Motilum reads: "Small amounts have been detected in breastmilk. Motilium may cause unwanted side effects affecting the heart in a breastfed baby. [It] should be used during breastfeeding only if your physician considers this clearly necessary."

Despite the warning labels, the University of Sussex Hospital Trust (USHT) doesn't seem to care. In fact, the trust believes that the practice is safe, yet urged hospital staff to "advise any parent who is taking medication (for whatever reason) to seek advice on the possibility of that medication being transferred to the baby through breastfeeding and also the health implications for the baby."

USHT, which was the first in Britain to replace the term "breastfeeding" with "chestfeeding" has removed the guidance that had been listed on its webpage. It now links La Leche League, which is an external website that states it "supports everyone who wants to breastfeed or chestfeed in reaching their goals."

In response to the letter, Labour MP Rosie Duffield told the Daily Mail: "Babies can't be used as guinea pigs for someone else's lifestyle choice."

"When a man has not and cannot grow a baby, why on earth are we pandering to this? Who does it benefit? Not the children. We wouldn't do any other medical experiments on babies. Breast milk made by a baby's biological mother is tailor-made for that baby," said Duffield.

In addition, Duffield cautioned about the "ethics of untested chemicals in children." She went on to say that the NHS Trust runs the risk of erasing women by using "human milk" for milk from trans women as well as mothers.

Image: Title: breast