ROD THOMSON: Left unchecked, our immigration and education crises will destroy America

An education system that teaches young people to hate their own country, combined with an immigration system that imports people who have no reason to assimilate, will be the death of America as we know it.

An education system that teaches young people to hate their own country, combined with an immigration system that imports people who have no reason to assimilate, will be the death of America as we know it.

The two most lethal poisons being mainlined into America are both on purpose from within: education from public schools through universities, and mass immigration. Both have long been holy shrines of idolatry for progressives that too many Americans have slept through.

The price is being paid now.

The dire straits of our anti-American/anti-Western Civilization/anti-reality education system is well-documented for all willing to see and has been going on for generations, resulting in asinine ideas like men having periods and getting pregnant, global warming/climate change destroying the earth, anti-racism requiring racial discrimination, speech being violence, safe spaces, LGBTQI+infinity, restricted free speech zones, and the rest of the general detachment from reality and civilizational norms.

But educational poison is maybe best represented not in the insanities of gender studies and social justice, but in the reactions on American universities to the monstrous 10-7 massacre of 1,400 Jews and visitors in Israel. And it was laid bare three years ago in a survey of millennials and Gen Z adults that is pure prophecy.

“Almost two-thirds of young American adults do not know that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, and more than one in 10 believe Jews caused the Holocaust, a new survey has found, revealing shocking levels of ignorance about the greatest crime of the 20th century,” The Guardian reported from the Claims Conference survey. The survey of American adults 18-39-year-olds found: 63% were unaware that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust; 23% said the Holocaust was a myth or exaggerated; and 11% said Jews had caused the Holocaust (just like they caused Hamas to rape, slaughter, behead and bake.)

As of October 23, 64 percent of 18-24-year-olds think what happened on Oct. 7 was a terrorist attack, according to a Harvard-Harris poll. Seventy-seven percent of those youth also think “it’s true that Hamas terrorists killed 1,200 Israeli civilians by shooting them, raping and beheading people including whole families, kids and babies.” However, and this “however” will take your breath away, when asked which side of the conflict the kiddos sided with, Israel or Hamas, the split was almost dead even at 52-48 in favor of Israel. That is within the poll’s margin of error, so basically 50-50.

It’s not just an American phenomenon. A survey earlier this year of Dutch 18-39-year-olds found similar to worse results.

That is the poison, and where it was injected into America’s youth is no secret: the education system. More than 1,700 sociologists signed a letter stating that Israel is committing “genocide” and anything Hamas does is justified by the supposed “context” of that genocide. Harvard created a task force to ensure that pro-Hamas protesters would feel safe while terrifying any Jews on campus into hiding, and that those terrorist-supporters would be able to get jobs despite their grotesque morals. The examples are legion, from George Washington University to Wellesley to Berkely to Stanford to, basically, pick your university. Some professors are offering extra credit for students who support Hamas.

This extends even to art schools. At New York City’s Cooper Union, pro-Hamas protesters chased terrified Jewish students into the library. A video from the inside reveals the protesters violently pounding on the metal doors to get at the young Jews. In a purely Anne Frank moment, librarians even offered to hide the students in the attic.

The poison of identitarianism that requires blaming groups (Jews are always a top choice) has thoroughly killed higher education in this country, regressing us all the way back to segregation, and celebrating it. What was once a national point of pride, is now a hate-filled national embarrassment that many Americans are just beginning to wake up to.

But the second stream of poison may be just as virulent and is happening at a more rapid pace.

Mass migration coupled with a multi-culturalism that feeds identitarianism and pushes the opposite of the melting pot of integration that worked so well for America for so long is rapidly turning America into a tribal nation. A nation of feuding, hating and ultimately warring tribes simply cannot stand. They have always resulted in horrors.

From the Roman Empire we learned how the greatest nation on earth at the time, filled with many ethnicities and religions, can become a powerful, wealthy juggernaut by uniting around an ideal not tied to any ethnicities or religion. In this case the idea was Rome and all it encapsulated for citizens. Anyone could become a citizen as long as they earned it through legal methods.

Immigrants, or conquered peoples, integrated and intermarried to the degree that they surpassed the original Italians that founded the eventual Roman Empire. They united around the common culture of Rome, taking advantage of then-modern roads and water systems, legal protections and security of the Roman military from the barbarians. But in later centuries, more and more tribes were allowed in as Rome got soft, comfortable and made foolish assumptions — like modern western civilization -- and allowed tribal divisions that ultimately doomed the empire.

Rome lost its founding vision, allowed more and more tribes to immigrate without assimilating, and the rest is, as they say, history. Internal tribalism weakened Rome’s legions, economy and sense of who it was. Thus, no more Rome.

Fast forward to the modern day. We have brutal examples of what tribalism over integration did to Rwanda, Yugoslavia and Iraq. All three were “multicultural” in the western academic sense, and all three devolved into horrors, from genocide in Rwanda to ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia to repeated mass slaughters and gassings in Iraq. Needless to say, none of them were anything approaching constitutional, rights-driven nations. They were all pre-civilizational in essence.

The intersection of these two diseases is in the unimaginably stupid and suicidal Queers for Palestine movement. For anyone who understands fundamentalist Islam as practiced from Iran to Saudi Arabia to Syria to Egypt to Palestine knows, being queer is punishable by death in such places. It’s freely practiced in Israel, but is fatal if caught in Gaza and the West Bank. But intersectionality demands “oppressed” queers side with “oppressed” Palestinians, and the deadly farce is complete.

Fixing education is simple but will be hard and take time that we may not have. It requires governors and legislatures in red states — blue states continue to track further in the suicidal direction — to defund state universities that promote DEI, CRT and associated anti-semitism. Conservatives have long held this power, just never exercised it. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is forging the way on this, and taking it down to the public school level, too. Republicans pursuing this necessity will be savaged and hated by the media. But to be blunt, those are the right people to be hated by.

Fixing immigration is also simple, but again, we may not have the will. Immigration needs to be limited, so that immigrants can assimilate into the American culture as before, including training in language and civic history, rather than creating ethnic ghettos as has been done most recently in France and other European countries that made the gross mistake of allowing mass Muslim immigration without integration.

This means that immigration must be legal and aimed at full citizenship. It’s ridiculous to have to make this point, but given the poison from universities for generations, all obvious truths must still be elucidated because heaven knows students didn’t get them in school. And immigrants must be allowed in on a meritocratic basis, not just whoever shows up.

None of these commonsense immigration measures are in place, and so we’ve had between seven million and eight million immigrants come across the southern border since President Biden took office less than three years ago. At seven million, they would constitute the 16th largest state in the union. Few if any meet the above criteria. Few if any will assimilate into the American culture. At best, they are largely low-wage workers who will confine themselves to their ethnic enclaves and reproduce the home culture that they fled, creating the foundations for Rwandan-Yugoslavian-Iraqi tribalism. At worst, some will mean us great harm: Hamas-level harm.

Controlled, legal immigration was a part of the stew that made America great. When even legal immigration was coming too fast, the U.S. pushed pause for several years to allow the newcomers to assimilate into the melting pot.

But mass, illegal immigration is pure suicide. The entirety of history throughout the world demonstrates this. But, of course, the take-over by leftist progressives of our institutions of education has systematically destroyed honest history. We increasingly don’t know it and are thus doomed to repeat it.

Image: Title: Queers for palestine


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