JACQUELINE TOBOROFF: Time to purge terror-sponsored 'Students for Justice in Palestine' from America's campuses

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) makes excuses for terrorists, and is even partially funded by terror organizations. It needs to be banned from American campuses immediately.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) makes excuses for terrorists, and is even partially funded by terror organizations. It needs to be banned from American campuses immediately.

National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) supports terrorism. Therefore, it has been “deactivated” in Florida. Leading up to a “Day of Resistance,” National SJP released a “toolkit” referring to Operation Al-Aqsa Flood as “the resistance.” It states, “Palestinian students in exile are PART of this movement, not in solidarity with this movement.” Under Florida law to “knowingly provide material support… to a designated foreign terrorist organization” is a felony.

What exactly is SJP, who funds it, and why aren’t other states following Florida’s lead and enforcing the law?

SJP’s mission is to “build on the legacy & impact of the student movement in occupied Turtle Island.”  What is “Turtle Island?” SJP says it’s the U.S. and Canada. Which kind of makes it obvious that, aside from thinking Hamas is doing the right thing, they would love to see the same kind of acts committed on the soil of the US and Canada, presumably by Native Americans. That this is mercifully impossible is beside the point; SJP’s intentions are clearly of a piece with the hostile takeover that jihadis are trying to stage in the West, a takeover that has been distressingly successful where our schools are concerned. One way or another, we have to chop the head off this monster. 

SJP has infected colleges and universities throughout North America; over 200 campuses have been infiltrated. And what do they do once they infiltrate? According to SJP, “students have been leaders in uplifting demands…for the Palestinian people.”

What are these supposedly “uplifting” demands, though? Here’s just a sample of what SJP demands of schools where it operates:
  • Condemn Israel 
  • Pay to get [SJP, “Palestinians”, Hamas, Muslims, Arabs] lawyers 
  • Boycott all Israeli products 
  • Pay for 24/7 trauma counselors 
  • Pay for round trip visits after war ends for them to go visit friends or their family Invest in rapid refugee camps 
  • Hire Palestinian speakers  
  • Investigate themselves

Make no mistake, they are willing to organize to show how badly they want these “demands.”  At Stanford University, Stanford Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organized a “rally” in which attendees screamed “from the river to the sea” like junior members of the Intifada. When asked for a statement explicitly condemning verbal and physical violence against Palestinian students, Stanford’s SJP chapter failed to mention that the violence against Palestinian students doesn’t happen in America, but in Gaza, at the hands of “Palestinians” and Hamas. Additionally, Stanford SJP demanded a commitment to keep them safe with resources developed in partnership with the Arab Students Association, Muslim Student Union and other student organizations. 

How a school like Stanford could ever have admitted such mentally ill historical illiterates is a question for the ages, though perhaps it has something to do with how much schools have tried to “reimagine” campus life in line with the globalist aspirations of the Democratic party. In that “reimagination” of the campus, education matters less than left-wing jihad. One wonders how long it will take before Ivy League schools start hiring DEI czars to treat actual terrorists as a “protected class.”

Not that every elite school has fallen prey to these tendencies. Fordham University in New York is the only university in North America rejected a student request to form a chapter of SJP in 2015 A group of terrorist sympathizers, moonlighting as Fordham students, applied in November 2015 to start a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) club on campus. Dean of Students Keith Eldredge declared that a SJP chapter should not be established “in order to prevent polarization [on campus]…and the resulting possible negative impacts on student safety and the general security of the Fordham community.” Of course, the disgruntled “from the river to the sea” people sued Fordham, and while the case went back and forth in court, eventually – thank God -- Fordham won.  

However, suing a well-heeled private university is expensive business, so the question must be asked: who funds SJP, in the first place? According to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, principal backers include founders and donors connected to Islamist terror organizations. These include Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). NGO Monitor reports that SJP is financed by a network of non-governmental organizations and Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) activists with financial assistance, training, and legal advice. Visible funding for SJP comes from student governments and individual chapters receive funding from groups such as American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and WESPAC, a Westchester County, New York left-of-center nonprofit supporting social reformation and progressive social change. However, SJP isn’t transparent; only a sliver of its funding is publicly available. 

All of which raises the question: why won’t public officials follow Florida’s example and put their foot down when it comes to allowing these terror cells into our universities? Why won’t New York Governor Kathy Hochul, or New York City Mayor Eric Adams Adams protect students, faculty and staff, and taxpayers funding the educational complex, after incidents like the one at Cooper Union, where Jewish students were locked inside a library as anti-Israel terror sympathizers captured the building. Can you imagine for one moment if the Jews were blacks or Muslims? What happened to “safe spaces?”

Ultimately, taxpayers, faculty, and yes, Jewish students like those terrorized and reduced to cowering in buildings where they’re supposed to be safe are the ones who need to come up with a list of demands. Or, really, just one demand: Purge SJP from campus. Now.

Image: Title: Students for palestine