JACQUELINE TOBOROFF: New York City's 'diversity monitors' scheme will drive out its own taxpayers

It’s been a wild week in New York City. Three cataclysmic measures have been adopted. The fourth measure - the hiring of “diversity monitors” - is what Democrats hope will allow them to get away with the other three. “Diversity monitors” will condition the youth to take the poison so that when Democrat Governor Hochul and Democrat Mayor Adams’ administration flood New York with ever more illegal immigration, there will be zero resistance.

Here’s the lay-up to “diversity monitors.”

First, Adams announced deep budget cuts across all city agencies to offset the $12 billion needed to accommodate the more than 113,000 illegal immigrants he’s welcomed in with concierge service. This number is already like the dinosaur - history. Every day, New York City is inundated by a new wave of dubiously titled "asylum seekers." In fact, a forcing function of Adams asking a judge to suspend right-to-shelter rules is to make way for basically anyone around the globe wanting a “free” stay at the $ 400-a-night luxury Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. “It's the new (unregulated) Ellis Island.”

Second, Gotham can expect to welcome 500,000 Venezuelans thanks to Adams pressuring Biden. The U.S. already offers half a million Venezuelans legal status and the right to work under Temporary Protected Status (TPS). If they can work, they can vote. This despite the fact that when it comes to Americans visiting Venezuela, the U.S. Department of State has a travel advisory (read: warning) suggesting that no one travel to Venezuela due to its tendency toward "crime, civil unrest, kidnapping, and the arbitrary enforcement of local laws," not to mention "wrongful detentions, terrorism, and poor health infrastructure." Obviously, it's no wonder so many people want to leave, but do you think the "diversity monitors" are going to notice that? No. They're going to be too busy trying to get children to not only overlook terrorism and gang violence, but to celebrate it because diversity is our strength, or something. It almost makes you yearn for the days when kids were forced into masks. At least the masks couldn't reach into their minds.

Third, the Democrat controlled Legislature and Hochul have created a budget gap totaling $36 billion over the next three years. "Changing economic winds pose a challenge to New York’s financial position," says New York State Budget Director Blake Washington. No, "economic winds" have nothing to do with it. The problem is social justice governance, which would be financial suicide even if the economy was booming. 

All of which is to say that, amidst sweeping budget cuts across all city agencies and a budget gap the size of Grand Canyon, it makes no sense for the Democrat majority City Council to prioritize hiring “diversity monitors” to help with fabricated “persistent segregation in the public school system.” This alleged segregation, I might add, doesn't seem to have affected students' ability to join, say, City Council, seeing as the latter is a majority-minority body. 

Well, I have good news for them: before long the schools won't be "segregated" at all, because soon, there'll be virtually no actual American citizens left, and nor will there be much money to educate those who remain. Outmigration from New York, specifically New York City has been so severe, the state lost $25 billion in 2021 on top of the $20 billion it lost in 2020. Republican governed Florida enjoyed a windfall, amassing $39 billion in income during 2021, a 39% increase from the $28 billion in 2020. Approximately a third of that gain is thanks to New York refugees.

Taxpayers spend $38,000 per New York City public school student annually for the 2023-2024 school year, the highest in the nation. This is up a whopping 36%, or $10,000, from the previous year, when for the hefty price tag of $28,000, New York City students earned the prize of being in the bottom half of the country for reading and writing. The price increase is only because of the illegal immigrant families entering New York City schools and in many cases, outnumbering Americans. 

Thanks to potentially 500,000 Venezuelans, and an ever-growing amount of Senegalese, Haitians, and Mid-Easterners (excluding Israelis), the Adams administration and teachers unions have quickly realized New York City schools are about to break, and do so even more catastrophically than they already have.

Thanks to Democrat elected officials and the Democrat teachers unions, unnecessary school shutdowns occurred. However, the death knell was disavowing core curriculum and replacing it with CRT and DEI. Now we have concrete proof that CRT and its offshoots like DEI are abysmal failures; only 24 percent of eighth graders in New York public schools are grade-level proficient in math. In 2022, fourth-grade level reading shows that 58 percent of white people aren't proficient, 79 percent of Hispanics aren't proficient, and 83 percent of black people aren't proficient. And this is with native English speakers!

Imagine what is going to happen when the majority of the student and parent body in New York City schools not only don’t speak English, but don’t respect basic tenets of Western civilization, including those celebrated by liberals. Seriously, liberals, you think you can expect perfect usage of neo-pronouns from Muslim Senegalese? You think furries will make any sense to Venezuelans? You think transitioning is going to go over well with Pakistanis? It won't. Your "diversity monitors" are going to have their hands full, and all the while, schools will get worse. 

In short, New York needs "diversity monitors” like Americans need a hole in their heads. The one silver lining is that these would-be Maoist Red Guards are going to be as ineffective at advancing "diversity" as CRT and DEI were in helping black achievement. The bad news to come with that silver lining is that by the time the Left figures it out, it will be too late. The "greatest city in the world" will have become the greatest farce in the world. 

Image: Title: Diversity monitors


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